Whew! It's been a looooooooooooong time since I was around here. I was once known as Maresuke but have grown up and transitioned into Allart. So, I use He/Him pronouns now. Oh, and you are welcome to call me AL. Everyone else does.
Despite being detached from the NiGHTS fandom for a long time, NiD is still a piece of my core. You know what they say, "You can take the Reala out of the circus but you can't take the circus out of the Reala."
Or something like that...
Anyway, I've been really apprehensive about coming back but with the recent gold mine of work being done unlocking all the age old secrets on the game, I can't help but want to reconnect.
I figured there would be no better day than today, Reala Day, to say hello again. I'll just wonder about like a stray Wizeman eye...
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Happy Reala Day! Oh, and a hello from the past...
Started by PrinceAllart, Apr 01 2022 08:03 PM
Posted 01 April 2022 - 08:03 PM
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