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I got bored so I gave Carl Jung a NiGHTS makeover.

Carl Jung

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For those that don't know, Carl Jung's dream studies were one of the sources of inspiration for the NiGHTS series. You can read a little more about that here.



"Carl Jung was born on July 26, 1875, in Kesswil, Switzerland. Jung believed in the “complex,” or emotionally charged associations. He collaborated with Sigmund Freud, but disagreed with him about the sexual basis of neuroses. Jung founded analytical psychology, advancing the idea of introvert and extrovert personalities, archetypes and the power of the unconscious. Jung published numerous works during his lifetime, and his ideas have had reverberations traveling beyond the field of psychiatry, extending into art, literature and religion as well. He died in 1961." -excerpt from biography.com's page on Carl Jung






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That's definitely a neat little tribute, even if it is pretty unorthodox and silly.

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