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    Your Mum

  • Root Admin
  • PipPipPipPipPip
  • 4207 posts
  • Gender:Female
  • Location:London
  • Interests:scribbling

IRC Rules:

1) Don't be a jerk to people. Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself.
2) Refrain from racist/sexist/overly-offensive comments. Please remember that this is a NiGHTS community chatroom and that people of all ages use it.
3) All NSFW (Not safe for work) material must be marked as such (deliberate deception of NSFW material is subject to immediate banning as is linking to malicious or harmful material).
4) No trolling. No drama mongering. No bullying and no stalking/harrassing members. If you have to argue with someone - take it elsewhere or to private chat.
5) We want the forums to remain active, IRC is not a substitute for forum activity, but rather a compliment. Remember to post any news that pops up in IRC back on the forums so it's not lost on people who don't/can't use IRC.
6) Rules are subject to change as the room starts to become more populated.

Unless otherwise noted, first infringement of any of the rules gets a warning. Second infringement of a rule results in a temporary 24 hour ban. Third infringement of a rule results in a more substantial week-long ban. Fourth infringement of a rule results in permanent banning.

Note- If any user is being bothered by someone in chat and feels uncomfortable with their behaviour please feel free to contact a chat moderator/Op and give them details of what's going on to see if we can resolve it for you.

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