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Ruina Somnium: Destruction of Dreams

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Dark Messiah

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A month. One whole month it has been - down the the day since this nightmarish world was created - fused together by two opposing realms. Some areas, beautiful, others were horrifying. Society of Humans were hard pressed to continue on as regular when roads that were all too familiar would dip down into underwater cities out of no where. People claimed it to be retribution from their Gods, others believe witchcraft had summoned these odd beings. Others accepted this change and tried to move with it.

Marissa was one of these. Being a bit of an artist herself, she found many things inspirational int his new world - and every chance she got she would explore it. With school out, it made things much easier for the time to explore it.

Today, she stood beneath a beautiful tree that had really no definition to what kind it was: Tall and thick like an oak, but the leaves were different shades of color and shape. Setting a hand against the light green bark, she managed to chip a piece away to try and see the wick within: a very light lavender hue greeted her, and that was enough for her - and began to note the difference in her little composition journal.

"Where to go to today..?" she asked herself a loud, not really caring if anyone heard her or not, as she would turn her head, gazing about the area of the wide field with a beautiful lake: Not to mention the fact this was a part of the rural areas of the nearby city.



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Unumato had come into being from the mind of a little girl, an innocent with great ,big blue eyes and a winning smile. He, himself was a miricale. He had become very real when whatever had happened a month ago had happened.

He didn't want it to go back, for he was sure he would become just a character again. Even if Humans treated him as the plauge, he could deal with it, if only to keep his soul. He watched the world around him, every thing in this area was oddly serene, a peacful corncoupia of happy Dream Beings.

At this moment, he was walking around, singing to himself a happy little tune.

Dark Messiah

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Marissa tucked her book back into her small tan and blue jean patchwork pack, before she slung it back over her shoulder. Watching a strange balloon looking ...bird? Maybe? She couldn't tell, fly by in her eye sight, she noticed another person in the area. She blinked, noting the color of his hair - but from this distance he seemed human. Or maybe it was a girl? Looked like a guy, but with how things were these days, no one could be sure.

nd like she could talk, she was much the same. Today, her hair was bright pink, falling into straight strands down her back - and in her hair she had stenciled yellow stars of various sizes. Lip gloss with glitter, though clear, still reflected off her skin. Not to mention the light blue eye shadow she had on. Her clothing matched her outrageous hair, however: A loose tank top with necklaces of plastic and metal - each yellow or silver of various star and moon shapes, and matching bracelets wrapped around both wrists. Regular jeans hung off her hips with stars painted up the calves, a studded-star belt around her waist with pink converses on her feet.

Ever since this fusion happened, she's always wondered if, maybe, she's always lived a dream and THIS was reality..but, never mind that. Shoving that thought aside, Marissa started walking across the grass with a purpose towards this man.

"Ahoy there!" She called cheerfully, throwing her right hand into the air with a wave. A grin was across her face as she made her presence known: Certainly she meant no harm, so hopefully this guy didn't either...



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Mato spun at the sound of the voice ", Oh, hello. How are you?"

He brushed a strand of his odd hair out of his eyes, violet and deep, temporarliy revealing his pointed ears. He held out a hand for her to shake, taking her in. An odd Human, for sure, and one how had appeared to embrace this change rather than run from it.

He was not dressed quite so vibrantly as her, infact, his cothing was ordaniary by Human standards. A light grey hoodie sweater underneath which he wore a black t-shirt. Jeans stuck to his long legs, making him look more thin, if at all possible. His pendant, an odd light blue jewel, was really the only odd article of clothing on him, even his worn black boots seemed normal. All the same, he was sure she could tell he was inhuman, he did give off a kind of magic.

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It was the eyes that gave it away. Too many people were too shallow to have such deep eyes, even if the color were contacts. Marissa would take his hand, showing she was unafraid of what he was - whatever that was exactly - and gave it a firm shake.

"I am just fine! Yourself, good sir?" Other than his eyes, hair could have been dyed, and the glance of his pointed ears which easily could have been applied - freaks were natural in the human world in such ways; yes, his eyes were the main thing that gave his race away.

No matter, the smile on her face never faulted, and her brave eyes stayed in direct lock to his own. "Out by yourself on a day like this? One would think you'd be with your sweetie or summin'." Marissa would state, speaking cheerfully. Of course, she had no room to talk, but she had an excuse for that one.



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"I'm well enough," he spoke softly, staring at the girl's face.

He sighed looking up, feeling that she knew what he was. That was to say, inhuman, and that she didn't care in the least. Upon hearing her statement about the sweetie business, he laughed ", No. I'm single, thank you, and happily so."

He had shaken her hand when she had offered it, and was happy to see such an odd human.

"Why are you out here, if you don't mind my proding....?" He asked, animated in his movements.

Dark Messiah

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She could only grin to his response to her question, before she would fold her arms behind her head, fingers laced after the hand shake.

"I'm studying. All the unique changes are like cracking open a famous painter's mind and seeing what lurks inside. 'Sides, hopefully with studying, I can learn more about it. Understand it better," He seemed really nice, and he was certainly friendly - which was was glad. She's heard rumors of terrors lurking about, and regular day-to-day life teaches you to never judge a book by it's cover.

For the first time, she broke eye contact to glance around the dream-like area. "I like some of these changes, personally. It's a good dose of what the world needed."



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He nodded, suddenly solemn ", I know what you mean. I've seen the more.... human areas of this world. Not pretty."

He shrugged, closing his eyes, and smiling again. He felt the wind blow through his hair. He liked this girl, a human who would embrace change rather than hide from it. It wasn't often he met someone who accepted him, an odd elf-like man taken from a dream.

"Would you believe I'm only a month old? It hardly seems so...," he sighed, " I have all these memories of people from my creators dreams, this whole world, that doesn't really exist. I've been looking for some of those people in hopes she brought them to life too. At least then I'd have common memories with someone, even if those experiences never happened."

He opened his eyes ", Thre's certainly alot to study here, I have to admit, my experiences are pretty limited."

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"There's more of you? Siblings, in a way?" She asked, before a grin curled across her lips. Pushing back a lock of her hair, tucking it behind herear, she set btoh hands onto her hips, giving a very determined look to him.

"Well, why don't we go find them? Must be awfully lonely here with no one else to talk to." Only a month old...and yet still an adult. Not to have true life experiences; she felt pity for him, but she refused to show it. Pity was a way to insult people - at least, it was in her mind. Rather than pity him for the problem, she was having fun trying to figure out how they can get to the solution. Already her mind was whirling. What if they could find his creator? That would be interesting!



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"In a way... yes, they are my siblings," He smiled, sensing a pang of pity from her. He brushed it off and continued, her reasons were her own ", We should find Jaye... He's tall, like me, with black hair in a pony tail."

Very slowly, he spun and faced the sky, its brilliant shades stunning him ", Perfect, isn't it? I've never seen such a thing in my life."

He thought about that for a moment ", Not that I've truly lived that long, mind you. I do have a past though, even if it is fabricated, those memories are mine."




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Whirr-clang. Whirr-clang. Whirr-clang. Whirr-clang.

The beautiful scenery was rudely interrupted by a large, spider-like metal thing. Working its way across the rainbow grass, it seemed not to notice the two until it was a little more then four feet away.

The massive head swung slowly, various lights scanning the pair and blinking on and off. The thing settled int a resting mode, steam hissing from its joints. A hatch at the top opened slowly...


"Pixel! Get back here!"

A small something, maybe blue, flew out and spiraled crazily around the metal spider before abruptly landing on Marissa's shoulder. "Velo?" it asked, its three legs and long tail clutching at her as the puppy-dog eyes of doom turned their gaze on the human. It flicked its wings, clicking her tribeaks in curiosity.

"Pixel..." A strange, orange-and-purple creature floated up from the open hatch. In appearance, it might barely have passed for a human, but the colorful clothes and lack of visible limbs betrayed its true kind. The blue eyes focused on the human, and immediately, the expression changed from mild annoyance to panicked apology. "Visitor! I'm sorry, allow me to introduce myself. I am Masterweaver and my companion there is Pixel..."

He stared openly at Mato. "...What are you, then? I've not seen your like before..." Flaying forward, Weaver tapped a few buttons on his cybernetic right arm, revealing a dubious-looking scanner...



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"H-hey!" Mato hissed ", Don't you know? The worlds have combined! I'm of dreams, like you. Though if I had to guess, I'd say you were a Nightmaren...." He shook his head, attempting to dodge the scanner.

He hid behind Marissa, staring at the contrapion as if it were evil.

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