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One Study's Proof of Nightmares

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Hysteric Polaris

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"A recent study by the National Psychiatric Institute in Boston, MA, concluded that no activity can account for the phenomenon known as nightmares. Whereas many dreams come from unconscious desires, most nightmares seem to come from an outside source independent of the individual. In fact, when subjects are asked to recall nightmares they are almost always found in the same memory section as actual physical memories, not the section where normal dreams are replayed. In other words, those aliens and creatures you see at night in your "dreams?" They're real."

Discuss. =3




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"A recent study by the National Psychiatric Institute in Boston, MA, concluded that no activity can account for the phenomenon known as nightmares. Whereas many dreams come from unconscious desires, most nightmares seem to come from an outside source independent of the individual. In fact, when subjects are asked to recall nightmares they are almost always found in the same memory section as actual physical memories, not the section where normal dreams are replayed. In other words, those aliens and creatures you see at night in your "dreams?" They're real."

Discuss. =3

Ugh!!! Why did you have to remind me of that?! (But where did I read it before?) <_<

One of my biggest fears is aliens and I go to bed every night in fear of waking up to an alien standing next to my bed. XD
Thank god I've never had an encounter like that yet.

*runs off to cry*

Hysteric Polaris

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One of my biggest fears is aliens and I go to bed every night in fear of waking up to an alien standing next to my bed. XD
Thank god I've never had an encounter like that yet.

But the term "alien" applies to any foreign entity (as I'm sure it does in this context), not always literally aliens from outer space. o.o"""




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But the term "alien" applies to any foreign entity (as I'm sure it does in this context), not always literally aliens from outer space. o.o"""

On the contrary, I think it is referring to extraterrestrials because it said "aliens and creatures." The "creatures" part would apply to anything else. Seeing or being abducted in dreams is very common, so one could assume that's what who ever wrote that was referring too.

Or you could be right, but personally I think it could go either way.



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*runs off to cry*

No reason to cry over extraterrestrials! XD

But that is very odd. How can your nightmares be stored as memories? We've never even seen half the things that appear as a nightmare. I've never met satan, but every other time I have a nightmare, he trys to kill me! O_o

Murasaki Doku

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On the contrary, I think it is referring to extraterrestrials because it said "aliens and creatures." The "creatures" part would apply to anything else. Seeing or being abducted in dreams is very common, so one could assume that's what who ever wrote that was referring too.

Or you could be right, but personally I think it could go either way.

I wouldn't mind being abducted by a Gallifreyan. 8) </doctorwhoreference>

Saifer Dracondrali

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This is a pretty interesting point your bringing up... The definition of Real is
being or occurring in fact or actuality, having verified existence, or not illusory...
a definition of fact is
an event known to have happened or something known to have existed
So... It is a fact that you had a dream, as they technically exist... if you use one of the first two definitions of "real" then it justifies your theory as well... but the third definition conflicts due to the fact that a dream can be considered an illusion... *sighs* this jus keeps goin in a circle...
Then again I personally believe in the purple jester's existence so that could be clouding my judgment... this requires further discussion.




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    Oh, and NiGHTS.
Well, first off,i hope nightmares aren't real :/, and second,if nightmares are real, it doesn't mean the dream world would be like NiD or JoD........ But, its kinda strange how,after sega made NiD that the dreamworld, nightopia and nightmare may be real after all.....




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Tis indeed most troubling. as a matter of fact, most of my nightmares do take place in real life locations.....


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*bows head and sweatdrops* (mumbles) i just know that i'm taking my life in my own hands.... ....)

Ok this may be Crazy and i won't blane you if you call me so... ... but i feel leaving out part of the truth is just as bad as lieing... ...

I am a medium ... ... *cringes into a duking position*

*looks around, not seeing anyone, stands up*

I can prove that the Nightmaren's DO exist... ...

You see... ... ( oh i know i'm gonna get kicked off for this... ...)

I can ... ... Mediate... ... Them... ...

There I said it ... ...

I have a uniqe abillity passed down through my mother's line that dates back to the Cherokee. My mother's, Goddess Rest her soul, Father was Half cherokee, making me 1/8th cherokee on my mother's side.
This ability afords me the chance to "bring" people "channaling" them into my body. so (shoot me now and get it over with) i KNOW that Reala, NiGHT's and Wizeman Exist.

*Braces herself for the things that about to be thrown*

Saifer Dracondrali

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I don't see a reason for ya to be bashed for that...
*pats ganmew's head* "you are among friends!" lol
besides I think the only Crazy person here is me... I'd go as far to say I'm insane, heheheh...

Tis indeed most troubling. as a matter of fact, most of my nightmares do take place in real life locations.....

How is it troubling? I think it would be a very enlightening...




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"A recent study by the National Psychiatric Institute in Boston, MA, concluded that no activity can account for the phenomenon known as nightmares. Whereas many dreams come from unconscious desires, most nightmares seem to come from an outside source independent of the individual. In fact, when subjects are asked to recall nightmares they are almost always found in the same memory section as actual physical memories, not the section where normal dreams are replayed. In other words, those aliens and creatures you see at night in your "dreams?" They're real."

Discuss. =3

Intriguing. Got the source? I'd love to read more into that.

And I don't think this thread could have been any more perfectly timed. It's now 3 in the morning where I'm at, I went to bed at 6 and was shocked awake by a series of two nightmares. First ones in quite a while. After some thought, they both represent experiences I've had earlier in life that were particularly unpleasant. And all the nightmares I've had, come to think of it, have been focused around my fears and bad experiences throughout my life, all involving real things I've seen before. Not even like alterations or mutations of things (dogs, for example, have never become hideous demonic beasts in my nightmares), but the things themselves being shown and acting in a way that scares me. Walls lined with wasps, being ditched and left for dead by those I thought I could trust, holding on for dear life on top of a violently swaying tower; if it's been a legit fear or experience then I've seen it in my nightmares.

That's quite the eye-opener. Thanks for bringing it up!

Hysteric Polaris

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Intriguing. Got the source? I'd love to read more into that.

I don't have it personally, my bf sent it to me by email. We both directly quoted it...I think he said he got it from a place called 4chan? Maybe you could Google Scholar the school name and location?




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I think nightmares might be stored in the memory cortex because your brain finds it useful enough to put there, regardless of the fact it never actually happened, but then I'm only stating an alternative explanation aside from 'it's real' for the sake of stating it; I'm open to this theory, even though I'm not sure whether or not I believe it at this point. I do, however, believe quite firmly in multiverses; that every fictional story can possibly have its own universe, and that there are many more than even that, so it makes sense that Nightopia and Nightmare can be real in that respect.

And ganmew... that's rather interesting; you've actually communicated with them specifically? *has an open mind to this stuff and is part Native American herself, though doesn't know what sort of Native American*



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I have a uniqe abillity passed down through my mother's line that dates back to the Cherokee. My mother's, Goddess Rest her soul, Father was Half cherokee, making me 1/8th cherokee on my mother's side.
This ability afords me the chance to "bring" people "channaling" them into my body. so (shoot me now and get it over with) i KNOW that Reala, NiGHT's and Wizeman Exist.

*Braces herself for the things that about to be thrown*

What moreon would throw things at someone who has an abillity such as that?! But you might want to run, as you might soon become a lab rat.




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That's an awfully cool ability... :[


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:huh: Wait ... ... what... ...? you guys actually ... ... Beleve me...? *tears well in eyes*
I can't beleve that you guys actually beleve me... *whipes tears*


I don't mind being a "lab rat" but if i were to bring some one, you guys would be hard pressed to beleve me... ...

I don't expect that i will ever be able to meat any of you guys eather, unless you are in hollywood some where but even than i can't even realy get out of the house... ...

My aunt says i have this thing called "Aspurger's Symdrome" ~i think that's how it's spelled~ :P

My boy friend can do it to, and also most of my family, but we are all diatantly related... ... :blink:

(ugg my whole familys nuts, it's like living with the brady bunch that moved in with the addams familliy... ... :blink: )


Yes... i can comunicate directly with them... ... as a matter of fact it gets quite annoying sometimes, as when i'm not paying attention and have my "sheilds" at full streanth, they can break through and posses me.

Like last night... ... boy was that a disaster... ... my aunt, amber,, had sent me and my boyfriend to the store to buy some soda for the four of us, and Jackal broke through, and than started scaring all the little kids... ... funny thing though... ... the kids could see him... ... :blink: he told beck, my boyfriend, that one little girl was afraid of bunnys, and sure enough the mother offered to buy her girl a bunny ballon and the kid went into
a fit of hystarics, hiding behind her father. so what did Jackal do, sharted to cackle insainly... ...
half the staff looked at like i was crazy... ...

But on a side note I think jackal has been my imagenary friend since i was 5 and that was 12 years ago... ...
At first he was a puppy named "jack" only mom could see him... ... That when i got older and saw "the nightmare before Christmas" he turned into "jack" sckellington... ... and i only realized all this last night talk about an head spinner...

some people, like my aunt, her husband, and my boyfriend, can "fully bring" And travel while they have some one elce in their bodys... ... i can do that almost as well as i can lucid dream whitch is almost nill... ...

I'm usually to grounded in my own body to "travil" effectively, but i'm still practicing. so mabey in time i can keep jackal and reala out... ... speeking of which... ... Reala is standing right behind me... ... in my boy friend's body... ... I keep telling him "no more Ideya" he's like a vampre... ...

*turns around and starts yelling at Reala when a frying pan is flung by her aunt and smacks them both*

~unconscious~ :P



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If any 'abilities' are to be used, please keep it in the form of a PM, email or instant message. No messages written by Nightmaren plz..

DiGi Valentine

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.............. er ........?

The wise Kitsune

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This topic has my attention. An outside source, huh? Well, I have had a dream catcher for about 2 years and it has been working. I thought it was just psychosomatic...but maybe since its some outside source, it does work..Huh. Im confused.



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Wait ... ... what... ...? you guys actually ... ... Beleve me...? *tears well in eyes*
I can't beleve that you guys actually beleve me... *whipes tears*

We all belive in some of the craziest stuff, so of course!


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EEEEEKK! *Runs and hides Behind large "text" block*

*wispers* ~An Admin saw me... ... now i'm in for it... ... *curls into ball and starts rocking like scared hedgehog*

DiGi Valentine

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EEEEEKK! *Runs and hides Behind large "text" block*

*wispers* ~An Admin saw me... ... now i'm in for it... ... *curls into ball and starts rocking like scared hedgehog*

Oh, but of course. There's some crazy sh!t in this world and we're entitled to believe in whatever we choose to. However, you do not grab my attention in the slightest and i'll tell you why - this fanbase has seen this kinda crap for many years already so whenever somebody comes along and goes "woah", holy crap i can see this and i can see that!! i'm naturally going to not take them seriously. And i don't take you seriously at all. And anybody with half a brain won't take you seriously either. -_-

Woah. You remind me of someone, actually. Lol, but nevermind. It's ok. That's a completely different person. Haha. :D

But i'm not going to waste this topic on you, or them, or anybody else that wants to fake-it-up and f*** around. If someone wants to discuss this topic then by all means discuss it. But when people join this place to simply take the piss for no reason at all, then it's nothing to do with the topic and therefore pointless and doesn't need to be here.

For everyone else, i'm not being a prick. I just know when this forum has a fake account or two ;P




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I kinda believe such abilities exist, because, well... all our ideas and dreams have to go somewhere, you know? Though I agree with DiGi- claims to have such abilities are far to common in this fandom and others like it.
As for the actual topic...=P
I'd like to read more on this, as well. It's rather interesting. Maybe it has something to do with us naturally remembering things that make us feel strong feeling, such as fear. If it scares us that badly, maybe it would go in that part of your memories?


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Oh, but of course. There's some crazy sh!t in this world and we're entitled to believe in whatever we choose to. However, you do not grab my attention in the slightest and i'll tell you why - this fanbase has seen this kinda crap for many years already so whenever somebody comes along and goes "woah", holy crap i can see this and i can see that!! i'm naturally going to not take them seriously. And i don't take you seriously at all. And anybody with half a brain won't take you seriously either. :)

Woah. You remind me of someone, actually. Lol, but nevermind. It's ok. That's a completely different person. Haha. :D

But i'm not going to waste this topic on you, or them, or anybody else that wants to fake-it-up and f*** around. If someone wants to discuss this topic then by all means discuss it. But when people join this place to simply take the piss for no reason at all, then it's nothing to do with the topic and therefore pointless and doesn't need to be here.

For everyone else, i'm not being a prick. I just know when this forum has a fake account or two ;P

*bows digectidly*

...........I......i'm sorry...............................

I......won't say anymore.............I only do this ( * * ) to show emotion........... the same with the .'s

I realy didn't meen to affend any one...........*wipes tear*

........I...i.........J....just forget I said anything............ok.....?

I realy didn't meen it.....................i'm sorry.................

I'll leave the forum if you guys want......... *turns to leave..........*

Saifer Dracondrali

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Wait ... ... what... ...? you guys actually ... ... Beleve me...? *tears well in eyes*
I can't beleve that you guys actually beleve me... *whipes tears*

Hahaha, I never said I actually believed you... but I can't say it's fiction either thou, so I'm neutral on the whole thing...

I realy didn't meen it.....................i'm sorry.................

I'll leave the forum if you guys want......... *turns to leave..........*

This is a topic not an rp lol don joke aroun' bout stuff like that. Some ppl might think your serious. :)



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You don't have to overdo the dramatics with the typed in stuttering and all either. As Saifer said, this is a topic, not an RP thread. No need to emphasize. We didn't say you had to leave, you just don't have to make a scene is all. Some people believe, some people don't. Such is life. Enjoy the forum any way you want to, just don't expect everyone to side with you. That doesn't make you a target for bullies, however, so don't think that just because somebody doesn't believe you it means they're out to get you.

Now lets get this thing back on topic please?


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I'm sorry...i'll stop...i'm just a bit more emotional than most is all. i'm such an idiot. but i was being serius, i normaly can't make friends because of this though, thats why i said i could leave, because all my friendships go that way in the end. it's not even my falt, i, just want to share. from now on i'll try to keep all my, "dramatics" in...

anyway...um, dose anyone know who rote the article that started all this...



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From Encyclopedia Dramatica... *Rolls eyes* In the "Scarypasta" section, full of short little scary things they put up for Halloween to freak people out.

The wise Kitsune

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Wait..What does Scarypasta have to do with nightmares?




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And anybody with half a brain won't take you seriously either. :angry:

Haha... I have less than half a brain. XDD Anyway, I like giving the benefit of the doubt, but I'll be a little more neutral on this, although I'm still open to believing it. I am certainly not going to say anyone who won't believe you is closed-minded; a lot of people try to gain attention by saying they're able to do these awesome things, and in association with more than just NiGHTS, so it makes sense that anyone who's seen a lot of people claiming this to be a bit wary of anyone else who makes the same claim. Call me gullible, but anyway... ^^;

Don't worry, ganmew, you don't need to leave; as long as your account's still accessible, then it's up to you whether or not you stay. ^-^

But anyway, back to the original topic... I'm sure Scarypasta has something to do with this topic, but I'll let someone else confirm exactly what. ^-^;

Guest_Glass Cannon_*

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"A recent study by the National Psychiatric Institute in Boston, MA, concluded that no activity can account for the phenomenon known as nightmares. Whereas many dreams come from unconscious desires, most nightmares seem to come from an outside source independent of the individual. In fact, when subjects are asked to recall nightmares they are almost always found in the same memory section as actual physical memories, not the section where normal dreams are replayed. In other words, those aliens and creatures you see at night in your "dreams?" They're real."

Can you cite a reference? I'd like to know if there's any more to it than that... If not, that's fine; It just seems interesting...

Hysteric Polaris

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Can you cite a reference? I'd like to know if there's any more to it than that... If not, that's fine; It just seems interesting...

No...I mentioned where I got it in my earlier reply, and above, an admin said that it was from a place called Encyclopedia Dramatica, and guessing from the name, I don't know how credible a statement it is now, even if I direct quoted from someone. o.O""" But it was interesting and sounded like a sound theory at the time.




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I checked and it is indeed from Encyclopedia Dramatica. Creepypasta ---> Nightmares.
I only skimmed through the rest of the page, but it seems to be mainly urban legends and ghost stories.




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Well, unfortunately anything from 4chan or encyclopedia dramatica can't really be trusted as fact based information in my experience, and you'd probably agree if you saw some of the other stuff that gets posted there. It's still interesting as a theory, but I would find it more plausible if there was an official report documenting the study available somewhere. Someone who's researched a bit about dreams and how the brain functions could easily make up something like that. Indeed, just from my research on lucid dreams I probably could have written the same sort of phony theory.

Not to burst all your bubbles, though; I did want to share a story of something I saw on TV once, which was supposedly true... it was about a woman somewhere who kept having dreams about being in and walking around her "dream house." She'd never been there before in her life, but it was perfect for her, and she always felt like she was searching for it or one like it. Anyways, I guess eventually she moved and was looking at houses, and she came across one that was EXACTLY like the house in her dream, pretty much down to the carpeting and little garden gnomes out front. She'd never been there before in her life, and it got even weirder when she met the owners of the house, and they claimed that the house was haunted. The part that really freaked them out is that the ghost looked just like the woman who was having dreams about the house, and they could find no other reason for why the house should be haunted.

The funny thing is I saw this on that old show called Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction, where they tell a bunch of true and false stories and at the end say which ones are real and which ones aren't, but that particular story they said was true.

So, that opens up a lot of theories to answer the question of where we really go when we're dreaming... :P


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Last nite I had a really scary dream :). I dreamt that guy from little britian was sitting on me, and tapping me on the shoulder. and then i woke up to find myslef tapping my own shoulder ! I bet it was reala in disguise ! :P




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    Oh, and NiGHTS.

Last nite I had a really scary dream :). I dreamt that guy from little britian was sitting on me, and tapping me on the shoulder. and then i woke up to find myslef tapping my own shoulder ! I bet it was reala in disguise ! :P

lol,how is that a Nightmare? it just sounds very disturbing,but not scary

Guest_Glass Cannon_*

Guest_Glass Cannon_*
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No...I mentioned where I got it in my earlier reply, and above, an admin said that it was from a place called Encyclopedia Dramatica

Ah, sorry, didn't sift through all the replies. Anyway, I remember watching something on t.v. before that said Nightmares were produced by certain chemicals in the brain that trigger a release of endorphins or something like that. Then again, I could be misremembering what I heard, so feel free to disregard what I just said. :);;

Last nite I had a really scary dream . I dreamt that guy from little britian was sitting on me, and tapping me on the shoulder. and then i woke up to find myslef tapping my own shoulder ! I bet it was reala in disguise !

For some reason I find that way funnier than it should be. Actually laughed out loud at that one. :D

I had a dream like that the other night actually, but it was this weird dude I knew in school. He was wearing a black suit with a red rose in the lapel and following me around going 'Hey... Hey, you!' and I was just ignoring him. It was totally random. I think maybe it was Reala, black and red and all. :P


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So if nightmares are supposedly real what would that make dreams? would they simply be marked as "fake" for the simple reason of being a different "type" of memory? (I wanna get this topic back on track) :P



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No...I mentioned where I got it in my earlier reply, and above, an admin said that it was from a place called Encyclopedia Dramatica, and guessing from the name, I don't know how credible a statement it is now, even if I direct quoted from someone. o.O""" But it was interesting and sounded like a sound theory at the time.

Sorry to jump in here late, but yes.

Mini-warning: Don't believe it if it's from ED/Encyclopedia Dramatica; ED likes to mix the truth and falsities together for lulz. Or just pretend to pass anything off as the truth; it works well. If it's from 4chan, don't believe it unless it's in the appropriate category (in this case, /x/ ) . There's a disclaimer in the 'HELP:' section not to take anything on there seriously; from the name-calling and username attacks to stories about drama. It's all just editors on the site making satire. And a lot of them do a damn good job on what they do; they're not to be messed with if you don't know how to mess with 'em.

I'm not a fan of the articles based on usernames; end of story no discussion. Don't wanna start a drama fight.

So, anyway, if you find anything on /x/, it's more credible then, say, /b/.

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