Yosh! About me....uh...well I recently got into the game NiGHTS really hard core, (EXTREMELY HARDCORE) after buying JoD for the Wii.
I am SOO~ into NiGHTS that I recently just bought the dream pack on eBay that comes with the PS2 game and ever so holy story book. XD
I liked NiGHTS in the past, because of the first 3 issues of the NiGHTS Archie Comic mini series, (Still Have) and want more!! Oh so much MORE!
I like to watch anime and read manga....and of course play video games here and there. Like Basket-ball alot and.... RUNNING! I dress ghetto alot....though I am not ghetto....just like the style of clothing. XD And.... I am currently hooked on trying to find NiGHTS plushes. (Official) XD
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ItachiXD Is Here! XD
Started by ItachiXD, Feb 28 2008 06:50 PM
Posted 28 February 2008 - 06:50 PM
Posted 28 February 2008 - 07:01 PM
Hello ItachiXD, and welcome to the forum! If you run into any trouble, just contact me, Icachan, Jof or Purgatory and we'll be sure to help you out
Posted 28 February 2008 - 07:47 PM
Welcome man.
I know someone on the forums makes NiGHTS plushes so look around a bit.
I know someone on the forums makes NiGHTS plushes so look around a bit.
Posted 28 February 2008 - 11:03 PM
Howdee, I collect plushies too. Good luck finding 'em!
Posted 08 March 2008 - 09:32 PM
Pleased to meet you!
So you're into JoD I see?
Then again there probably isn't one member of this forums who isn't!
See you around
So you're into JoD I see?
Then again there probably isn't one member of this forums who isn't!
See you around
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