Being a Wii owner and all, I would love to see something like this released state-side at $20, or the original NiGHTS on the VC. However, not to rain on anyone's parade, SEGA Ages titles were never released over in the Americas, so chances of it coming here is slim... HOWEVER, if Journey Of Dreams is selling well (it might not be overally great, but buy it for NiGHTS dammit!) then we could get this title.
But first, if Sega will released NiGHTS Into Dreams for the VC, Nintendo needs to fix the space issues for the Wii console. (*eyes Nintendo evily*) Also, WHERE IS MY DAMN NiGHTS CONTROL FOR THE WII SEGA?!! I DON'T WANT TO MOD MY NUNCHUCK FOR THAT GAME, I WANT A SEXY NiGHTS CONTROL!!
Sorry about the caps, but I want something like that. <=(
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NiGHTS Jap PS2 Site OPEN !
Started by Jof, Dec 30 2007 04:25 PM
Posted 27 January 2008 - 06:57 PM

Posted 31 January 2008 - 11:03 PM

The site was updated again, apperently promoting a new... Can (?) Badge ? Pin Badge ?

Anywho, the most intresting part could be this :
Could this mean the game is already selling well, on pre-orders alone ? HELLO SEGA. WE HAVE MONEY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT TOO.

Anywho, the most intresting part could be this :
「NiGHTS into dreams...」をご注文いただいた方には、 "NiGHTS into dreams ..." We ordered more,
・NiGHTS into dreams...缶バッジ NiGHTS into dreams can badge ...
をプレゼントいたします。 Presented.
Could this mean the game is already selling well, on pre-orders alone ? HELLO SEGA. WE HAVE MONEY WITH YOUR NAME ON IT TOO.
Posted 01 February 2008 - 05:05 PM

I'm having trouble too.. I'll bet only Japanese Media Player works with it 
Edit: I reloaded the page, it's working! Sorta.. video keeps failing while the audio goes. My work internet sucks.

Edit: I reloaded the page, it's working! Sorta.. video keeps failing while the audio goes. My work internet sucks.
Posted 01 February 2008 - 05:23 PM

It works for me.....
They show clips of the polished version, the Saturn version... and an updated version of Christmas Nights.... Was it confirmed that they were polishing the Christmas Nights version too?
They show clips of the polished version, the Saturn version... and an updated version of Christmas Nights.... Was it confirmed that they were polishing the Christmas Nights version too?
Posted 01 February 2008 - 05:38 PM

=/ Still not working for me. Any chance of someone -ing it ?
EDIT : Working now. Looks sweet. Still, any chance of a rip ?
EDIT : Working now. Looks sweet. Still, any chance of a rip ?
Posted 01 February 2008 - 06:08 PM

For some reason i couldn't get audio recorded (all you hear is spring valley, followed by the adult version of dreams dreams) and compression hurt the video quality, since uncompressed was close to 1GB!
I got it down to 17MB
I got it down to 17MB
Posted 02 February 2008 - 03:59 PM

Looks like someone has done.=/ Still not working for me. Any chance of someone -ing it ?
EDIT : Working now. Looks sweet. Still, any chance of a rip ?
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