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Things you don't like about JoD
Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:36 PM

1. The platform levels. I've only played Will''s story so far, so im gonna assume that Helen only has one level also.
2. Pushing a gender. SEGA kept saying NiGHTS has no gender and blah blah blah, yet they keep saying "he", and Reala called NiGHTS a "boy". It's not often but it's still there.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:46 PM

I personally am not fond of ANY of the voices. They all sound fake with the accents... half the time the kids don't have one, then they slip back into it. XP Also, Reala sounds old... and he sounded like a kid in the original. I really liked that. Gave him an ageless type thing cause he didn't look like a kid but he sounded like one. I won't even begin on NiGHTS' voice.. ugh.
Another bother... "Visitor. Oh! Hoo. Visitor" Every time you forward word boxes. It's like Zelda. >_< I am so sick of the word Visitor!
Last bother... every time you want to dualize in the Dream Gate, like to get the dream drops, you have to go through that friggin tutorial.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 06:54 PM

1. I don't like that the kids' knees don't bend before they jump. But they do kind of stumble when they hit the ground again.
2. I wish they would have CG'd the cut scenes. Or at least made them look a little better. The CG'd scenes are so effin' pretty :C
3. I like NiGHTS voice and everything, but sometimes - one point especially - you can tell her voice actress is really forcing accent xD It made me laugh.
4. Owl not shutting up when you feel like flying the course in the Dream Gate again.
Edit- Oh lulz. Looks like the same things annoy us, Blue Fantasy.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:18 PM

-My biggest problem are the controls offored for the game are bad for it. The nunchuck just doesn't work quite right, and if you use the gamecube controller, you thumb will continue to slip.
-Most of the voices bother me. Will's and Wizeman's voices are ok. I got used to them. BUt the others...Reala's laugh is terrible. It sounds like a girly man trying to laugh evily but its not working.
-Another peeve is that they took out the touch NiGHTS comment. WEll, they said to go touch NiGHTS but that added bit from the Owl was different.
-I did not like the choice of wording Reala made while he was hanging onto Will. I don't want to think bad thoughts here people. Well...I thought bad thoughts during a certain scene between Reala and NiGHTS but thats was due to me and my ideas.
-The way they say ideya. It sounds like idiot. I would think it to make more sense if it sounded like idea.
-Even though you are not in the My Dream world, time in it keeps runing while you are in other dream worlds. Damn! You know how tedious this makes raising those little guys?
-No auto homing in the garden. Its hard to feed the right pian.
-Trying to get an A on the kids level's is maddening. Sure the first one for each kid is easy, but the others are a pain. Especially Helen's Crystal Castle one. Sure a house of mirrors sounds neat....but its NOT fun to play!
-No regenerating blue chips. I guess its to crush the reason to go on repeat of certain chase sequances and makes you want to catch the bird faster.
-Mepians and marens destroy things. Whats the point of having them if you place is going to be nothing but a giant blank wasteland?
-Its really hard to get a 2.0 or even close to one on the harder version of bosses. Heck its hard with the normal versions to. Ever tried getting a good grade on Cerberus? 170 seconds is only a C!
-I am still no good at the bosses. Its always random on wether or not I will win. It makes doing stuff in the level pointless if thats the case. But this is just my problem since I stink.
-I need to get all A's on everything because we "THINK" something may happen then. Sure its easy in the first game. But here we are talking 52 levels or so.
-I don't know what happend the the Great Mother deal. Was it simply an idea the influinced how the marens looked?
Thats all I can think of at the top of my head.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:37 PM

-Another peeve is that they took out the touch NiGHTS comment. WEll, they said to go touch NiGHTS but that added bit from the Owl was different.
-I need to get all A's on everything because we "THINK" something may happen then. Sure its easy in the first game. But here we are talking 52 levels or so.
-I don't know what happend the the Great Mother deal. Was it simply an idea the influinced how the marens looked?
Thats all I can think of at the top of my head.
1. You mean the "if you're into that sort of thing" comment, right? I thought they did keep it, just worded a little differently?
2,3. I'm actually kicking ass at this one, and I sucked at into Dreams 8D; But anyway, maybe if we get all A's, then something about the Great Mother will pop up? That's (and that shadow NiGHTS thing) what I'm hoping for, anyway.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 07:47 PM

I think it was somting along the lines of, "Go ahead and try."1. You mean the "if you're into that sort of thing" comment, right? I thought they did keep it, just worded a little differently?
2,3. I'm actually kicking ass at this one, and I sucked at into Dreams 8D; But anyway, maybe if we get all A's, then something about the Great Mother will pop up? That's (and that shadow NiGHTS thing) what I'm hoping for, anyway.
I suck at this game badly. The only thing I am good at is the link attack mode since that is exactly the same thing as I have done over and over again in the past. My highest score is 256 in Pure Valley. I am sure someone has beaten me by now though. You only need a 100 links to get an A though. Pretty simple there.
You not the only one thta game play this game well. My bf has only played the orginal twice yet he can play this game easily and does very well. He got a 2.0 on the harder version of Donbalon on his first try. He can beat Reala very well, while I can't. He can also get A's on the level quite easily and it just drives me nuts. You give him any game and he will be good at it.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:03 PM

And Yami, I have a link of 381 on Pure Valley.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:08 PM

Things I don't like:
- Owl talks too friggin much.
- Wizeman acts like a Generic Villain.
- Helen's music mission makes me want to kill puppies.
- Controls don't 'feel right'.
Things I do like but shouldn't:
- Reala.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:09 PM

What the line is there? I don't reembmer that, and I played Helen first. I better go check.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:16 PM

And that it is because of THAT reason I play with the pians so much. Thank you for reminding me Jax.
What the line is there? I don't reembmer that, and I played Helen first. I better go check.
Does this mean you suck at games more than I thought you did? =P
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:16 PM

Yes. YES it does! XDDoes this mean you suck at games more than I thought you did? =P
Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:33 PM

Posted 21 December 2007 - 08:52 PM

And Yami, I have a link of 381 on Pure Valley.
*gives cookie to JaxTH*
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:02 PM

*gives cookie to JaxTH*
YES! I could have probaly gotten 400+, but if you get too close to Octopaw it squirts black ink at you, which messes me up every time.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:04 PM

One thing I don't like is that I have to get a gamecube controller to be able to fly NiGHTS accurately, it's tough with that octagonal control pad on the classic controller or nunchuck,
Another thing I don't like, is not being able to fly around in the Dream Gate freely....When you walk up to NiGHTS and dualize, you have to go through that whole tutorial again with the Owl barking in your face again! @_@
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:35 PM

Nightopians aren't as interactive as I'd hoped they'd be.
I wish they'd pushed it back to give us some nicer sprites. They look choppy.
But still, I love the game, its a lot of fun.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:37 PM

: (
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:50 PM

: (
Ffff. Yeah, that was pretty lame. Except I got confused,
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:50 PM

Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:55 PM

: (
And here I was thinking that that was just going to be a minor gameplay spoiler.
I'm not mad, mind ye, just...surprised.
Posted 21 December 2007 - 09:56 PM

I too wish I could to more with the pians. The only reason I try to keep them alive is so that the stuff that comes will stay and that the land will develop. Is that really worht it though?
Posted 21 December 2007 - 10:23 PM

NiGHTS's mouth is ugly.
The dream fountain gate thing is just another loading screen.
The new character designs are inferior to the old ones, with the exception of Wiseman, who is still pretty much the same.
The levels are too sparse and spread out
I hate how non of the missions are as good as the Ideya capture play, the chase missions seem to slow. It seems to me like the birds limit the levels to pretty much fly in a way to linear path.
and I need to stop...
Posted 21 December 2007 - 10:56 PM

Nightopians: *deep voice* CANDY!
Me: O.O
Posted 21 December 2007 - 11:06 PM

Remember the normal ending guys.
I can't say i dislike something from the game because i don't have it XD but i dislike that Owl. Horribly.
And NiGHTS mouth. D:
And the fact Reala called him/her a boy. It's going to confuse a lot of people with the gender thing...
Posted 21 December 2007 - 11:15 PM

Posted 22 December 2007 - 12:15 AM

Have you guys any idea how many times I Night Overed!? -chews up Chamelan's cape-
Oh yeah, I hate the fact that if you Night Over with ANY boss on the chase missions and Bellbridge, that you have to do it ALL. OVER. AGAIN. -shoots the screen-
I hate Owl too. Did they delete Shadow NiGHTS and the Great Mother... for a fraking OWL?
I will never use the word 'Visitor' ever again... From now on, it's 'Guest'. What happened to the 'Dreamer' thing? D: Because that's what they're doing... dreaming.
REALA BATTLES.... What happened to attacking each other at the same time? I saw that in the first one, though I never played it. His battle looked really fun... and yet I play JoD and I find I have to hit him with blue balls? (mwuahahaha...) That's lame. D: But kinda fun... Reala just stays in one place ,usually, and waits for a ball to materialize next to him. The lazy maren. lol
The levels where you have to guide the other kid to the exit. Those sucked major, I got lost and had to go back several times. @___@
Posted 22 December 2007 - 12:37 AM

The Reala fights. Mareballoon fights? PFFT! Gimme some good, old-school Paralooping!
'Pian system. Nothing like the Chao. There's nothing to do with the little buggers. :|
Posted 22 December 2007 - 01:46 AM

Ending does seem very misleading.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 01:49 AM

Iizuka-san, you have some explaining to do, love. ;-;
Posted 22 December 2007 - 01:51 AM

Actually I thought TRiPPY mentined Shadow NiGHTS and she heard it from someone at Sega. I don't remember Iizuka having anything to do with it. Maybe we are taking the shadow NiGHTS hint a bit far. Maybe its not what we think.Oh yes. WHERE ARE SHADOW NiGHTS AND THE GREAT MOTHER!
Iizuka-san, you have some explaining to do, love. ;-;
Posted 22 December 2007 - 01:53 AM

Actually I thought TRiPPY mentined Shadow NiGHTS and she heard it from someone at Sega. I don't remember Iizuka having anything to do with it. Maybe we are taking the shadow NiGHTS hint a bit far. Maybe its not what we think.
Oh..Well...Um..Then why did Segaperson..? *is CONFUSED*
Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:00 AM

:|u segapersons like to confuse us. Ew. But now i really think that all of that are deleted ideas, as Yami said.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:08 AM

Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:21 AM

Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:51 AM

When did the ideya start taking steroids!?
Roflsocks, that was exactly what I was wondering. They're bigger than the kids' heads.
Anyways onto what I hate.
There seems to be a few framerate issues in more places than the FMV, might just be my old TV but it bugs me slightly.
DonbalonDonbalonDonbalon. I hate facing him. I really do.
And for now that's really all that is bugging me. I don't mind the kids' platforming very much right now, but that might just be because I haven't gotten to Crystal Castle and am used to doing platforming like that more than NiGHTS flying, and I don't mind Owl because I play a lot of Zelda and I believe that Navi was worse.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 04:27 AM

Roflsocks, that was exactly what I was wondering. They're bigger than the kids' heads.
Anyways onto what I hate.
There seems to be a few framerate issues in more places than the FMV, might just be my old TV but it bugs me slightly.
DonbalonDonbalonDonbalon. I hate facing him. I really do.
And for now that's really all that is bugging me. I don't mind the kids' platforming very much right now, but that might just be because I haven't gotten to Crystal Castle and am used to doing platforming like that more than NiGHTS flying, and I don't mind Owl because I play a lot of Zelda and I believe that Navi was worse.
The Owl was worse than all the fairies and Midna combined!
Posted 22 December 2007 - 04:34 AM

The Owl was worse than all the fairies and Midna combined!
It's called personal opinion. ><;;; I'm fond of Owl, he reminds me of Owl from Winnie the Pooh so I like him.
Posted 22 December 2007 - 04:36 AM

At least he didn't speak everything he was saying during the levels.The Owl was worse than all the fairies and Midna combined!
Posted 22 December 2007 - 05:02 AM

Posted 22 December 2007 - 05:13 AM

Am I the only one that found the Owl rather cool??
I just posted almost the exact thing above, hee.
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