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B-Movie → Purgatory
Uhm... I don't want to be emo or anything, but I was kind of looking forward to your reply to I Quit Man. I know it's totally lame to ask someone to reply, so yeah, I hate myself for saying this...

B-Movie → TRiPPY
These comments are limited in size and that makes me sad :( No worries, though! To make summarize the remainder of my previous comment: Party!
It's good to be here.
It's good to be here.

B-Movie → Maresuke
Hello, new person! I've heard a few things about you, too! So are you the one who is coming down to Hollywood? I await your friendship with ecstasy and an open heart! Also: PARTY!

B-Movie → Purgatory
sh!t! If this gonna be dat kind of party I'm gonna stick ma dick in da mash potato!

B-Movie → TRiPPY
Hey, sorry for taking so long in answering your casual question (I don't know if Richard told you, I am an extremely busy person, like, businessman, busy).
It took me so long to join your site because, to tell you the truth, I barely know anything about this game/world, I've never played either of the games and I was afraid it would be rude to thrust myself into this site for t
It took me so long to join your site because, to tell you the truth, I barely know anything about this game/world, I've never played either of the games and I was afraid it would be rude to thrust myself into this site for t

B-Movie → Roam
Huh, the site seems to have to cut off my last comment prematurely. This ruins the impact of my formal question, but, nevertheless, I serve it to you upon a glistening silver dish:
Who are you again?
Who are you again?

B-Movie → Roam
Hey, it's so cool to finally meet you! I've actually been thinking a lot about your failure at Guitar Hero! Like, all the time! So now we can finally be friends and talk all the time as if we knew each other for years!
One little formality, though, before we begin the friending. I'm sure you understand, it's something everyone does. You just have to answe
One little formality, though, before we begin the friending. I'm sure you understand, it's something everyone does. You just have to answe

Roam → B-Movie
B-Movie, we meet at last. Still thinking about me failing at Guitar Hero? =P