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DAiLiGHT → Nyclone
I have no idea why you sent me your last comment, but I can tell you that it's s#!% like this which made me leave for a while. That and my History homework won't do itself. Please don't leave me comments like this anymore.

DAiLiGHT → Nyclone
That's what you get, you little punk. :)
Fanks fer de birfdae weeshies. ^^
Fanks fer de birfdae weeshies. ^^

Nyclone → DAiLiGHT
happy birthday, you little ragamuffin. No wonder bad things have been happening to me.

DAiLiGHT → Noctourne Wonderland
*poofs out candles* I wish I could sing Happy Birthday to myself so my mom would cancel this idiotic party.
Fanks ferr de BIRFDAE WEESHIES! <3
Fanks ferr de BIRFDAE WEESHIES! <3

Noctourne Wonderland → DAiLiGHT
Now blow out the candles and make a wish. =)
Now blow out the candles and make a wish. =)

DAiLiGHT → Ventro
Ventro, I have to say, I'm so sorry for snapping at you the way I did. My friend on AIM was bugging me, and I kinda snapped. I'm so sorry.

DAiLiGHT → The wise Kitsune
Happeh birfdaez! I hopez yoo getz lotz o' birfdaez weeshies!

DAiLiGHT → Seeker
Told you it was awesome here. Check it out completely and don't make the admins put on their admin-hats, ok?