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Welcome to the forums! Don't hesitate to ask the crew if you run into any problem! :3
May 15 2008 05:07 PM
Pikmingirl → Icachan
Happy Birthday! ^^ Have lotsa good luck and good dreams. xD
Apr 13 2008 08:33 PM
Purgatory → Icachan
Happy birthday Ica-chan!! *hugs tight* I hope you've been having a great day today! Take pictures, if you have a party!
Ugh, you guys.. you grow p so fast! XD
Apr 13 2008 07:34 PM
Ugh, you guys.. you grow p so fast! XD
DiGi Valentine → Icachan
Happy Birthday. Bahaha, i am 3 days older than you!! ...not that this is a competition or anything, lol :P Have a great day. ^_^
Apr 13 2008 02:56 AM