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Shatter → ~Tsuki~
Yea, I've been trying my best to re-make or play Dreams, Dreams on it. All I need is a decent recording system and I'll be set. HEY. I'll bet if you and I teamed up, we could totally remix Dreams, Dreams!
Your welcome for the b-day wishes! x3
Jun 16 2008 10:14 PM
Your welcome for the b-day wishes! x3
~Tsuki~ → Shatter
Aah! You play the flute too. <3 When I was in school that was the instrument I played. Still do on occasion as I still have it. lol It's such a pretty sound.~
Thanks again for the Birthday wishes! ^-^
Jun 08 2008 07:31 AM
Thanks again for the Birthday wishes! ^-^
Shatter → Saphira
Lawl, wow. I can barely draw NiGHTS. I spent all yesterday making a stupid dub over one of the cutscenes from N:JOD, and put it on Youtube. Dx
Jun 06 2008 08:51 PM
Saphira → Shatter
I've been good. I've drawn NiGHTS over 20 times in this past week lolz.
Jun 04 2008 02:41 AM
Shatter → Musashi_HUmar
Thank you for the welcome! I hope to see you around. :3
May 30 2008 02:36 PM
Shatter → Saphira
Hey Saphira! I hope you remember me! It's iCalamity from Gaia! I'll see if I can talk to you later bye!
May 30 2008 02:28 PM