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Community Status Updates
~Tsuki~ → Tashayarna
Just thought I'd pop in and say hello.~ *huggles* Hope your having a good day. ^-^
May 06 2007 04:04 AM
MYSTiCCOOKiE → Tashayarna
Ok awesome! I'll definetly be getting one! ^^ Could you reserve me a slot? I'll probably have money again around the 15th so I'll mail you again then, ok? ^^
May 05 2007 05:07 PM
Tashayarna → MYSTiCCOOKiE
well the most expensive and the most detailed plushie I make costs £20 they are 10" (like Astrima) then £15 they are 8" (UV) then £10 they are 6" ^_^ they all go down in size with the price. ^_^ I hope that helps ^_^
May 05 2007 04:48 PM
MYSTiCCOOKiE → Tashayarna
Hi again ^^ So how much would you charge for a plushie commish? I'm not very rich right now so I'm not sure if I have enough but just for curiositys sake xD To see how much I have to save up ^^
May 05 2007 04:14 PM
MYSTiCCOOKiE → Tashayarna
Lol thanks! xD Yours is pretty cool too :D I like to change my haircolours around a lot too but at the moment I can't afford any hairdye D": But I like my turqouise ^^
May 04 2007 11:32 PM
Tashayarna → CORNSiLK
Kimodo dragons are icky! >.< they spit and slather everywhere and they DO have ticks! and FLEAS! ^_^ I looked it up lol! lizards can get em ^.^ har ha!
Apr 30 2007 11:57 AM
thats... thats... ;__; so mean! :__;
Mean Dragon!
>_< the people LOVE ME MORE!
Apr 29 2007 04:33 PM
Mean Dragon!
>_< the people LOVE ME MORE!