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Tashayarna → MYSTiCCOOKiE
Hello ^^ just to let you know that ive done Meowza ^__^ I couldnt quite get the right felt for the jacket :( so I improvised, but I did get the right fabric for her body colour ^__^ Ill send her out soon!!!
May 28 2007 09:59 PM
Zero 22 → Tashayarna
You're welcome and it is awesome~ ^__^
Keep doing what you do best
May 20 2007 07:03 AM
Keep doing what you do best
Tashayarna → Zero 22
thank you for the compliment ^^ it means a lot that people like the plushie ^^
May 19 2007 12:17 PM
Tashayarna → Peter
Tashayarna is the name of a character from a novel im writing ^^ my friends used to tease me by saying she was my "mary-sue" self ^_^; thanks you for the comment ^_^
May 11 2007 06:47 PM
Zero 22 → Tashayarna
Hiya I'm Zero 22
Great stuff you have and your plushie are incredible ^___^
Hope to see much more
May 11 2007 05:37 AM
Great stuff you have and your plushie are incredible ^___^
Hope to see much more
Peter → Tashayarna
Thank you for the welcome Tashayarna! May I ask, how did you pick your name?
May 09 2007 10:28 PM
CORNSiLK → Tashayarna
Smelly cat!
:: sings the Smelly Cat song::
I'm not a reptile.
May 08 2007 06:18 PM
:: sings the Smelly Cat song::
I'm not a reptile.
Tashayarna → CORNSiLK
haha why do my plushies smell? ^_^; and dragons are lizards?... Arent they O_O;
May 08 2007 05:35 PM