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What went down at Sega on Monday.

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    Your Mum

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Right as you're all well aware me and DiGi travelled to Europe on Sunday to visit Sega's offices to play the NiGHTS game. We also got to meet our two NiNJA staff members from GameLegend, Niraven and Martijn. We had lots of fun for various different reasons and so much went on that it's going to be hard for me to remember everything in order.
To not beat around the bush- the Sega trip did not go as planned. I could lie and say it did to make ourselves look cool but ehhft what's the point of that, i enjoyed myself anyway. At least we didn't get thrown out the building XD; Do you want me to go into cluttered whimsical detail about the trip? Okay, i can do that.



I tend to have a concrete memory of things that i care about and a rubbish memory any other time, so while i was there i was like a giant spongebeast.

Right so, we fly out there at night and we have some minor turbulance. We're flying over the Channel and it's all black black black and suddenly *EUROPE* that was a really awesome thing to see. When we were flying over Amsterdam there was these weird yellow/gold illuminated huge flat roofs on the ground. I still don't know what the were @_o Perhaps fields of solar panels? Whatever they were it was pretty. Anyhoo we land, step off the plane, it's frurking freezing, and we look at eachother and squeal 'OMG WE'RE IN AMSTERDAM O_O' Then it sort of sinks in. (finaly)

Wow Schipol airport is amazing @_@ It's like three of our biggest shopping malls combined with a giant airport and a huge train station. The shops are all awesome (and expensive). 2.50 euros for a small bottle of coke. We decided we should first go to the toilet so off we skip to the loos.
OK THIS IS THE PART where it set the theme for the rest of the trip XD I go into the ladys toilets and firstly i find it weird that the door to the place is a pushable glass/perspex wall (very confusing). So i go to find an empty cubicle. The only one open is -yay- a broken toilet. Needless to say i wasn't going to risk using it but it has this retarded motion auto flush thing which went off, and it started to overflow XD Cue me running out the cubicle to find the exit. A FAMILY OF 20 APPEARS WHAT DO YOU DO? Well my aim was to vanish from the area using y'know, a DOOR, but in my panic i forgot it was the big perspex wall and was actualy trying to franticaly get into a cuboard instead *lmao* All this time behind me i can hear 'OMG THE TOILET IS BROKEN AIIIE'. I remembered what the door was and bolted from the toilets. WELCOME TO HOLLAND. I'm not in the country for less than 6 minutes and i was already embarrassing myself ahahah.

So we go upstairs to McDonalds. But this one is basass it was all plant themed with light up tables. We get mayonaise for our chips, but to our suprise it's bright yellow with green bits in and smells like stale dish water. Ate it anyway *shrugs* We then make our way to the arrivals hall (it was metric miles away) to find ourselves in ANOTHER shopping mall XD For a bit i was convinced that the entire country was just this airport. We eventualy find the bus rank for the hotel shuttle bus, only to miss our bus (which was packed full of people anyway). So we waited ages for the next one. The netherlands is slightly colder than Scotland (just without the bitey wind) so we were standing there freezing our asses off while i evesdropped on Germans conversations. I wish I'd paid more attention in Highschool lol. We get on the next bus and the first real thing i notice about Holland is that the place is covered in advert billboards and big commercial standee things for phones and electronics companies. And so many christmas lights <3~

On the way to the hotel we pass a sign for JVC (the brand of our stupid camcorder) we discuss throwing it AT the sign. Then we pass Sony HQ and make sufficient BOOOOOOOOOing remarks on the way to the hotel. The hotel is HUGE (thank god) and we have to stand in big lines to check in. To my amusement there's this creepy 'still life display' to the right of us supoosed to represent the 4 seasons (i think). And there's this stuffed owl and some weirdass fox creature and lots of mushrooms. I wanted to steal the owl, take its head off and leave it at Sony's doorstop :(
We were now safe and had somewhere warm to sleep for 2 days.

The hotel was a maze! We found our room after getting lost for a bit, then crashed. We turned on the TV to find YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY German MTV XD When i was in Portugal me and Blu would sit and watch MTV at 2am and try to make sense of it for fun. DEAR GOD every advert is for stupid ringtones. German southpark came on. We promptly fell asleep lolling.


DAY 2! Sega Day!

Well we woke up at 7am, because i take years to get dressed and fully functional, sort of like my PC. The ninjas would be coming at 11 so the race was on! Both me and DiGi felt horribly sick from nerves/hunger. Our breakfast consisted of TicTacs. We discussed stealing the hotel bed because it was completely godly.
11am comes, we get a phonecall.... From Yuji Naka. No, not really, it was just Martijn pulling our leg at reception. But it broke the ice lol.
We go downstairs and meet the mighty GameLegend Ninjas! They are awesome and full of win. We sit discussing games, amsterdam and 'coffee' shops for a while, whilst waiting for the airport bus.
We go back to the airport and catch a train (yeah wtf awesome). THE TRAINS HAVE TWO FLOORS >o< OMG WOW. Everyone was joking that the highlight of my trip was sitting on the upper floor of a train. I'd never seen something like that before, it made the trains so tall they looked creepy like something out of silent hill XD

It takes about 45 mins or so to get to central Amsterdam. As soon as we get off the train i am bombarded with every form of transport ever trying to run me over from every direction. I sh!t you not. BIKES ARGH. TRAMS DOUBLE ARGH. *brain burns* I'm still bemused about the sheer amount of bikes, it's awesome! I wish the UK was like that instead of cars everywhere. It's so weird to see buisness men on their mobiles tearing down the street getting bikerage and jamming on their bells.
We walked around the city for a few hours before we made our way to Sega as i wanted to do some sight seeing. Firstly the trainstation building itself is magnificent. HUGE wide clocks and roofs. The best way to describe Amsterdams buidlings is 'TALL, brick, random windows and huge wide spaces'. The city is beautiful! Even if it was raining!
We ate awesome food at a cafe that done 'beautiful waffles'. I had a cheese and pineapple pannini. The portions over there are huge!

So after all the tourist bit is done, and my long jeans are completely SOAKED at the bottom like street cleaners, we jump on a tram to the Benelux where Sega is.


Lol this part is the 'TRiPPY pulling the veil of happy illusion from your eyes' part. Sega's HQ is in the middle of nowhere, we were joking it was the ghetto (DiGi said it WAS XD). We got lost and decided to follow our noses instead. I told the NiNJA's to go in the exact opposite direction i thought it was. It worked, Thankfully our noses were correct and we found ourselves standing outside this wide white building that had 2 floors (kinda looked like a garage/solicitors office). There was nothing to say it was actualy Sega at first viewing. There was 2 things on the wall that listed all the companies within this shared building. So basicaly, Sega Eu doesnt even have its own building anymore >_> Hardtimes eeesh.
We opened the door and it was like, lol, WALKING INTO IMPENDING DOOM. Like head down TRiPPY head dowwwwwn. We mustve looked so suspicious the four of us XD hahahaha. I joked about packing smoke bombs for escape.
Despite the fact the building looked boring outside it was AWESOME inside. It looked a lot bigger actualy, kinda like the tardis. We went down this long white corridor where security/reception was. We were led into this tall narrow hall with glass walls and a really big comfy square sofa. We sat there for about 10mins waiting for Sega person to come get us. It was really surreal being there. Like SURREAL SURREAL. If you looked up you could see another floor of companies like graphic designers and movie advertisers or something. It was intresting looking around. It felt like sitting waiting to go to the dentist. The place was very quiet but busy.

So eventualy the Sega guy comes to meet us, shakes Martijns hand (he was doing business with him that day too), gives the rest of us a confused look and proceeds to lead us into the BOWELS OF THE EARTH. Well not really, it was just up some dark wooden stairs and down a long multicolored red and green corridor that looked exactly like something at the end of a game before the boss. Serious. It even had big red doors at the end. OMINOUS doors *snortlaugh* It was pretty dark in the corridor so uh when he opened the door it was like *BLINDNESS* Sega spend all their money on mood lighting, it's true. It felt like walking into that TV room in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

Sega's office is actualy quite small. Well it's a BIG room but nothing like i expected. Imagine a giant white studio room with a glass wall/window at the far end with about 5 desks in front of it. Everything is white. That's the scene really. Midway in the room is a giant white screen/divider with the sega logo printed on it (i want it). On one side is the comfiest long white sofa ever with HUGE plasma screen TV and a collection of old Sega consoles under it. NO SATURN WTFX. On the other side its what i thought was a pool table at first. Anyhoo. We walk in and some of the moody buisness looking guys at the other end of the room say hi. One of the boss guys shoots me an evil that could kill dinosaurs. I teehee and go back to paying attention to other stuff around me. There's a table to the left with posters on it, Martijn flicks through them. Theyre for Sonic and Mario at the Olympics.

Meanwhile we get told to sit down on the Sofa. There's 4 Wiimotes and nunchuks there. So we grab them. The PR quietly puts on the Wii while I'm having a semi heart attack. But Mario and Sonic comes up instead. So i think 'ahh maybe we'll be playing a selection of games to review'. I couldn't even remember if the game was out yet so it wasn't really anything exciting to me. I've been dissing the game for months so getting to play it felt like..... uhhh. Actualy if i'm honest it's miles better than i presumed. It's actualy... dare i say it... fun @_@ 4 player 'dream event' is a complete hoot. And there's a few new characters we played as too. Amy's in there, Blaze, and Vector. Blaze looks badass and wears a purple tracksuit XD We done racing, i won! Archery (HARD) i sucked, Niraven wiped the floor with everyone and the guy asked her if she'd played the game before. Then we got free Coke XD (it's a sega thing), and continued playing the game. Fencing and Trampolining. The trampoline challenge is hard, it's like QTE in Shenmue. But overall the game makes VERY good use of the motion sensors. So i wont moan about it other than i wanted to be playing NiGHTS2 instead. THE REASON WE WENT :|

DiGi started to get visably irritated, and i was evesdropping on Martijn talking to the PR in dutch. I could understand bits of it. Basicaly Martijn asked 'Where's NiGHTS?' and the guy said we couldn't play it because they didn't have the demo in the office for the press. At that part i think my heart just crumbled. He said the game wasn't playable because it was too buggy. To which he sort of 'Ahhed' and we sat feeling like crap. I thought the PR was lying at first because i know that places like 1up and Seganerds had played the game. But i didn't realise those were working demos, not the actual real game itself.

So he told us to come with him, and i thought our day at Sega was over to be honest. I was really dissapointed and sort of felt like crying my eyes out. We sat down in the cafe/bar type area outside and he said to me in English 'So you have questions about NiGHTS?'. To which i thought, SHITSHITSHIT the questions were really only gameplay related things i was going to find out while playing the game, not really stuff i wanted to ask someone. So i asked him about the Alife affecting the level music. To which he said 'probably i think so yes', in other words he probably didn't know much personaly about the game. He asked who me and DiGi were so i explained in somewhat nervous terms who were we, what we done, and how big fans we were. DiGi continued to get irritated. Lol i was waiting for him to explode.

He then took the sheet of paper from me and cheerfuly said he would pass any questions we had directly to a high up member of SonicTeam working on the project so we get precise answers. This made me VERY happy. Because now i can put questions forward that i know the fans will apreciate an answer to. We then asked him a pretty blunt question about SonicTeam and he was unable to provide us with what we wanted and in turn this made DiGi angry and he began to talk. A lot.... XD; DiGi saved the frikkin day with his big mouth.
This is the point DiGi really really proved himself to be my Co.Admin. He missed this part out in his post (staff forum), lol, but it was so epic and AWESOME i don't think he wants to blow his own trumpet. DiGi totaly went to town at this PR guy and MADE him listen. He was like ahahahahaha totaly ranting hardcore about how the fans have kept the franchise alive and that how SonicTeam is obligated to give us some sort of response because we have all worked so damn hard over 11 years to give NiGHTS the cult status it has today. I can't recreate what DiGi said or done but sh!t, it was the stuff of movies where the little guy takes on the big corporation XD!! God Niyazi i love you. I just remember sitting there stunned watching the Sega guys face sort of change and look somewhat meeker than how serious he previously was. I turned to look at Martijn to my left and he had this sort of 'OH f*** SHHHHHHH! O_O' look on his face like he wanted to laugh and Niraven across from me shared a glance of 'Oh my god we're gonna get thrown out XD' But DiGi was still running with it until he made our point quite clear. I'm never the one to find the perfect words in a solid way, i just get emotional and quiet when im dissapointed but DiGi voices his dissapointment quite thouroughly. He also said 'Yeah we contacted Sega many times before and have heard NOTHING back' to which the Sega guy said 'Did you contact *insert employee name*' 'YES they never replied either' To which the Sega PR guy called them a bitch XD;;; Ahahaha. That made me giggle.

DiGi then pushed my artwork folder across the table to him and told him to look at my artwork. It was after that and the bashing DiGi gave that he softened up and began to see things from our perspective. He took the time to look at each of my pictures and actualy say nice stuff. I got to the 'My Muse' picture, i had a printed copy of the full version I'd signed and put my contact details on and the original with me. My plan has always been to one day give Oshima at Artoon the original drawing as a mark of respect. But i was going to give the Sega PR guy the printed copy to just keep to say thanks in some hope he might help us more, but then DiGi piped in with 'Hey if you're going to be seeing Iizuka next week here can you pass him that picture?' To which the Sega PR fullheartedly said yes. HOLYMOTHER OF WII MY ARTWORK WILL BE GIVEN TO IIZUKA T____T fffffhthtgthtghtgth*vomit* See we asked about if we could contact Iizuka personaly and he said no because he was too busy doing a tour of all the offices this/next week. So he's going to hand Iizuka my 'My Muse' picture. That picture has my name and this website written on the bottom of it. That made me squee.

So with DiGi's verbal bashing and my emo girly puppydog eyes we started to discuss the fanbase more and how far we'd traveled just to play the game today. He was seriously impressed and looked really guilty. He continued to go through my art and when i got to the picture of Jackle (the Dealing Fate one) i decided I'd do Jackle fans some service and rant about him (as i promised XD) and why he's been replaced. I explained that Jackle has an equal fanbase to Reala and that a lot of fans were really pissed off. I made it clear how much this game is loved and why exactly we travelled to Sega. He asked me if i had a Wii and i said yeeeeees, so he said if i mail him our home address he'll give us a full copy of the game when it gets sent out to the press for review soon. Now this is cool anyway,


COOL= Remember with the previous game, how all press copies had debug mode? Chances are JoD will have debug in for press purposes, like level skip and timer off and stuff perhaps. This is damn rare sh!t that money cannot buy. So basicaly what we are getting sent is something of a little miracle for a fan site.

Then uhh, something happened I was ordered not to talk about. I'm sorry i can't tell you right now exactly what happened but it was another miracle, lol. And I'm so friggin lucky gahhh. I love you Niyazi T_T
Basicaly stuff is going on right now, and until it's all finalised and you've all been impressed by it i don't want to risk anything by yammering on and having nothing to show for our efforts. So give me a couple of weeks on that one. Understand that i have to follow rules sometimes too. Heehee. I'm not doing this to irritate anyone, quite the opposite, i went there to represent you guys.

And lol yes, Sega play pingpong in their spare time. I wish i was joking.

Oh! And btw, i found out the owls name. I asked and it's ...... 'Owl'. *snortlaugh* yes.... really...

ANYWAY. After everything had finished we were putting our coats on and Niraven asked 'So when is JoD shipping?' And he casualy answered 'FEBUARY' and we all paused and eyeballed eachother. Febuary?! I accidentaly squeed and cheered with happy. He seemed puzzled we were all so giddy with that news. DiGi was like 'You see, the fans have been worried that-" he had to cut himself off because he was about to say they were worried it would look like crap if it was realsed right now *snortlaugh* But damn we were happy. That news sort of MADE our day. I said 'We've waited 11 years, a few more months wont hurt us'.
We grilled him about it actualy, we double asked, asked if that meant america too, asked about a global release etc etc and he was set on Feburay. There is no WAY the game will make it for christmas.
I said to him 'yeah people are worried it will clash with MARIO GALAXY's release :|' and he gave me this grim look like 'no no no it wont'. He's probably sick of hearing about Mario Galaxy. Haha.

Anyway, our time up, but with some very GOOD highpoints of the day we left the building, shook hands and all parted on good terms.
I left the building feeling completely 50 50. It was weird. I wanted to cry because nothing went to plan but i wanted to roll about the ground with happy from the other good bits that happened. In retrospect the things that DID happen far outweigh the badpoints of our trip and you'll find out later on why. If nothing good had come from the day and i'd travelled miles on airoplane for no reason i would have still massively enjoyed myself because Niraven and Martijn are great great people who make us laugh WAY too much, we swapped art, ate good foods and had a brilliant time. Amsterdam is a beautiful place to visit.

And sitting in Sega drinking cola while playing Mario was very very fun. And surreal. Like a dream. That day was definately a great big dream.

So to sum it up-
I have contact with SonicTeam now and Sega's PR.
The .com is getting an advance press copy of the game. Possible debug still included.
Iizuka getting my art.
Game Delay superdooper confirmed through and through. Feburary.
Comfy seats.
A-life stll effects the music (perhaps?)
And other other stuff you'll get to know later on.

It wasn't a wasted trip trust me *nod*

That night me and DiGi went back to the hotel and got drunk, happy and delerious. Fun fun fun.

The news i was telling you about last week will have to wait until what i'm doing right now regarding Sega pays off.


Now i'm going to make my dinner. Toodles for now.

Hope you enjoyed my story :3
reminder to the staff what we discussed in the forum.



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Wow, awesome you guys

even if they sucked by not having JoD there.. hopefully they'll make good on their word




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Waha, sounds fun and special. x´D
When i was on a holiday trip to Sweden there was so many ringtone ads on TV also...O_o

EDIT: The story keeps getting funnier and funnier...OMG DiGi saved the day. :3




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Too much coffee TRiP? Anyway, I laughed at the broom closet escape. XD Do continue.

edit: Shwoah. They... wow... they're even less competent sounding than I thought they'd be. ಠ_ಠ What a clusterfuck.
edit again: Well, at least they're trying to make up for it a bit... still... huh.




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Broken toilets and yellow dish water mayonaise. Sounds enticing. XD

And trains! The Yuji Naka part made me laugh.

EDIT: Wow... this was unexpected. I can only wonder how you guys felt when it actually happened. I totally feel DiGi though. You have kept NiGHTS alive in the eyes of fans for 11 years. You flew a plane, traveled miles in the freezing cold to SEGA... and this is what you're treated to? DiGi's response was far more than warranted, far more.

^_^ Go Dreamer

^_^ Go Dreamer


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Wow this trip sounds Special Awesome! I laughed when you said someone screamed the toilet is broken!! Though I got sad when you and DiGI didn't get to play NiGHTS :( ...... But...... WAY TO SAVE THE DAY DiGi!!!!!! ^o^

Please Continues!! ^.^ *sits like a happy little girl she is (inside) and listens to story*




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You will be getting a review copy after all? Super! That really makes up for it. Now when you will be getting the review copy is an entirely different matter.




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Holy mother of Wii = Best thing I've heard all week. :(



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Waha, sounds fun and special. x´D
When i was on a holiday trip to Sweden there was so many ringtone ads on TV also...O_o

Yes, and WE HATES IT RAWR *coughs* Sorry 'bout that.

Getting back on topic, I'm glad you'll at least get a review copy and had the talk with the PR guy.




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Holy wow, this story is the most incredibly epic thing ever.

DiGi, you're my new hero XD *snorfle* Watch your back SEGA, the NiD fanbase is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

^_^ Go Dreamer

^_^ Go Dreamer


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  • Interests:I am a big fan of NiGHTS, Reala, And Jackle! I love to play video games, mostly (SEGA &amp; Nintendo). Love Anime. I Love talking about NiGHTS!!! Also I like surfing the internet! ^_^
*gasps with excitement* Mr Iizuka-san is gonna see your Artwork!!! WoOT! Also! *huggles* I lubs you Mummy!! Your the best, Thank you for ranting about Jackle!!! His fanbase needs to be acknowledged by SEGA!! ^.^ *glomps him*

Jackle: *Grins*

Another thing...........HOLY CRACKERS!!! Their gonna send you a full review copy of JoD... SWEET!!! Yous guys deserve it and MORE!!! ^_^ And even though things didn't go as planned, it ended up turning out even better!!! I'm very Happy!!

Edit: Thanks Machenstein for correcting me! ^_^ Also,........

Did I mention, I'm pissed with you Sega!!!! *throws chair*




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^_^ Go Dreamer)-->
QUOTE (^_^ Go Dreamer @ Nov 14 2007, 11:16 AM)
Yous guys definantly deserve it!!![/quote]
That's an understatement. They deserve to have the review copy now in addition to the alpha build of NiGHTS 3.

^_^ Go Dreamer

^_^ Go Dreamer


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  • Interests:I am a big fan of NiGHTS, Reala, And Jackle! I love to play video games, mostly (SEGA &amp; Nintendo). Love Anime. I Love talking about NiGHTS!!! Also I like surfing the internet! ^_^

That's an understatement. They deserve to have the review copy now in addition to the alpha build of NiGHTS 3.

OMIGOSH!! My apologies *bows* You absolutely right ^_^...... *glares at Sega* >.> LETS GO, HAND EM OVER!!




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Your artwork being given to Iizuka: Awesome. Good for you. Yay.

But. .


WHAT THE HELL?! YOU GUYS DIDN'T GET TO PLAY JoD?! Sega. what the f***?!

DiGi, I hope that you gave that guy a REALLY good bashing.

I'm happy about all the lovely things that went right and all, but I cannot explain in words how PISSED OFF I am that there was no JoD to be played. You two have kept this game alive for ELEVEN YEARS. You flew to freakin' AMSTERDAM to play the hopefully-good sequel. And what happens?


No, Sega, NO.

I'm angry.

Very, VERY angry.


Anyways, glad you guys had fun. @@ *passes out to keep herself from mauling the Sega PR*

Also: Press-version JoD, WEWT!




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Holy...mother...of...god... ^_^

I'm at a loss for words at the sheer awesomeness and epic-ness of this all...Sega screws up, DiGi saves, review copy, artwork right to Iizuka, omg omg omg...

This is the ultimate test to see what it takes to make my head pop with awe and excitement. I can feel a fizzing...but I'm still in one piece for now! ^_^

I can't think of two people who are more deserving of all this than you two. Bravo!

Edit: Alpha build of NiGHTS 3? Sega should just airmail them that NiGHTS statue from TGS that DiGi was all up on! Maybe THEN Sega can be forgiven...?




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*still pouting about how rude it was of Sega to not have some kind of version of JoD ready*

NiGHTS statue? They should give TRiPPY that, Alpha-NiGHTS 3, her name in the credits of the game, and DiGi a position to be an OST remix official. ._.



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OMG! I totally feel your disappointment you guys. I mean I really do. You travelled all the way there, and in a way I feel that the rest of us were with you too. I'm sure you know what I mean. ^_^
Sega you really have some ground to make up now! After what you did to our Dig and TRiP the new NiGHTS better be somethin awesome.
Kudos to DiGi for stickin it to them.

Yeah give them that damned statue Sega. They deserve it.



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DiGi, you're my new hero XD *snorfle* Watch your back SEGA, the NiD fanbase is SERIOUS BUSINESS.

I want someone to make an animated GIF of DiGi happy, then Sega, then digi, then sega, then DiGI ANGRY, then sega crying. Plzplz.




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Word came down to Sega Nerds from their own PR contacts that the American release was still on track for December. You sure the guy knew what he was talking about? I admit, I've only had time to skim this, but from what I read they didn't really seem to know much.



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When was Sega nerds told? I'm presuming what he told us was a very very recent thing. He was the same person who told GameLegend about the previous delay and was correct. I know for a fact Sega will have to pull a miracle out their ass to have this game ready for a few weeks time. Serious.




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I want someone to make an animated GIF of DiGi happy, then Sega, then DiGi, then sega, then DiGI ANGRY, then Sega crying. Plzplz.

I can try! And if I fail, I know some people who may be able to do it. XD




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He seemed puzzled we were all so giddy with that news. DiGi was like 'You see, the fans have been worried that-" he had to cut himself off because he was about to say they were worried it would look like crap if it was realsed right now *snortlaugh*

What held DiGi back? ^_^



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The sudden realisation he was standing in Sega HQ.





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They where told just yesterday, after Martin announced it here on the forums. Of course, this is from Sega of America personnel. Didn't you say in your post that review copies where being sent out "soon"?



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Yeah Airports suck, what can you do? I have to deal with them every year.....it never gets any better. :/

Well thats too bad you didn't get to play. What a let down....

I wonder if the others at Sonic Team are going to hear about Digi's rant. I also hope the news about Jackle spreads too. Hold on a sec...did that Big project letter thing you guys sent show that Jackle had a pretty big fan base? Hmmmmm......

Great...a dely. I am happy for the game...but pissed off for my self. I am going to be so boged down with college art next semester I will be lucky to have 1 hour of peace to myself. I will barly get a chance to play the game until summer comes. By that time, I am sure you guys will have unlocked everything, found every seceret, and lord knows maybe even hacked he game. Damn, and I thought I was going to be useful, ah well. Its good though, so now it will look and play better. I bet your happy now that you won't have to wait for the game either.

You get really lucky with NiGHTS. Sure you didn't get to play the game yet, but think of how wonderful it was to get everything that you are getting.

Looks like I will be getting to know Disgaea a little bit more this winter break....




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I know a delay would benefit the game greatly, but does it really look that crappy, platforming sections aside?


I think I just answered my own question.




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Oh man... 0.o

I just woke up to that newspost, and I think it's the best way I have ever started a day.

It's unfortunate that you guys were unable to play the game at SEGA, but at least they're trying to make up for it. And the fact that you're art is going into Iizuka's HANDS??? *splode* That's freakin' AWESOME!

I can only imagine how frightened that SEGA PR guy was when DiGi decided to go off on him, lol. Must've been quite the spectacle. ^.^

Here's hoping SEGA makes good on their word and gets you that press build! I can't wait to hear the news! :3




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Just a small question, TRiPPY, but did you record anything from your trip? Any video footage?




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I want someone to make an animated GIF of DiGi happy, then Sega, then digi, then sega, then DiGI ANGRY, then sega crying. Plzplz.

Posted Image

I don't know how to make animated gifs. :<

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They where told just yesterday, after Martin announced it here on the forums. Of course, this is from Sega of America personnel. Didn't you say in your post that review copies where being sent out "soon"?

Well, they can call whoever they like but the guy at Sega said it to my face, not even 3 feet away from me - "this game is delayed until January, maybe February next year". When asked about the American release he said - "it will probably be a few days before the Europe/UK release. It's delayed."

Now, this was not a phone call. This was directly to my face, no bullshit, answering the damn same question 4 times over because he knew he couldn't lie to us about it because we flew our asses over there for this sh!t.

Yet, i'll agree with you in some sense. I am concerned also. Trailers still say December 18th. So, if Niraven would like to step up and tell everyone exactly what she told me yesterday about this in our chat then it may answer your questions. Niraven, help us out here. Cheers. ^_^

Just a small question, TRiPPY, but did you record anything from your trip? Any video footage?

Sadly, no. There was nothing in Sega to record. The way the mood was in there, not a hope in hell could we record any footage of anything.

Also, huge LOL at Sa-Chans take on the event! XD




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Well, another thing to keep in mind is, the last time the delay was confirmed by this same source, we had trailers giving us the old date for months after wards. GamePro contacted it's own SoA PR contacts and got a similar "we have not heard of any delay" response.

Still, it never hurts to make sure. I'm am still rather convinced, considering this is the same source that confirmed the last delay.

I'd personally like to see NiGHTS delayed until April 1st. Not only would it be a perfect date for the game, but it'll steer the game clear of any holiday back wash (like SSBB).




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I'd personally like to see NiGHTS delayed until April 1st. Not only would it be a perfect date for the game, but it'll steer the game clear of any holiday back wash (like SSBB).

Then you'd start up the game and have Reala clawing at the screen instead of a smiling NiGHTS. D:




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Before I make any comments, I just wanna get this out of the way: At the part where TRiPPY's art was handed to the Sega personell, I stood up in surprise, then sat back down and found that my chair had FALLEN OVER BACKWARDS AND FOLDED UP UNDER ME. Needless to say, I laughed like mad for an entire minute and called Jackle a jack@$$ (because I'd think that would be something he'd do).

Anyway, though it's sad that you didn't get to play the game (go figure for me being right... >>' ), all of this is so SUPERLY AWESOME!!! An advanced copy that only the press will get for us, and an entire (one or) two months to get the game RIGHT!!! ^-^ *jumps all over the place* I was looking forward to pics of ReeRee, but this is better! *tries very hard not to read too much into the fact that, the way this is typed, the unmentionably good thing that happened occured after Jackle was mentioned* Yeah, two months ain't enough time to do that, and they have other stuff they need to do. Oh, and TRiPPY... YOU AND DiGi ARE THE MOST AWESOME PEOPLE I'VE EVER EVEN REMOTELY HAD A CHANCE TO BE IN INDIRECT CONTACT WITH!!!!!!!!! 8DDDDDD *passes out, then wakes up* DiGi, whatever you said must most certainly have been kick@$$, and TRiPPY... Jesus TRiPPY... getting your art sent to someone that high up??? YOU'RE MY HERO!!!! 8DDDDDDDDD *passes out and stays out this time, but mysteriously floats off to other threads*




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I believe it was said in an interview that the internal clock wasn't being used this time around, they where using the weather channel instead ^_^.

DiGi Valentine

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Still, it never hurts to make sure. I'm am still rather convinced, considering this is the same source that confirmed the last delay.

And that was source was correct.
The thing about that was i stated that "2008 might only apply to Europe as we don't know if it effects America or Japan." This was later proven true because Europe was set for a 2008 release. I can't help it if people got that all twisted. The guy was not wrong... things got twisted somewhere.

So, if this guy says it's delayed on a global scale now then he could very well be correct. Sega US could be lying because they don't have a press release ready.
Still, i will contact our European PR again and ask him one more time now that the office in the States has said otherwise.




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Hmmm... So i'm NOT the only one who embarresess himself while Abroad...

Damn, though... 'Tis but a pity you where Unable to play JoD While there... I can safely say i'd Feel the same... And hell, i'd probebly react exactly as DiGi did... Speaking of witch, it is probebly a good thing i wasn't there at the time during DiGi was... Uh... "Verbalizing* his Dissapointment" for lack fo a better phrase... because I woulsn't have been able to keep my bloody laughter in XD

*Hold the crazy train... Is that even a real word!?




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I dont recall ever being so happy that a game was delayed. Im actually upset that Brawl got delayed, but in NiGHTS JODcase Its so great already that a few more months of polish should make it a very great tribute to NiGHTS. Mario Galaxy was delayed a year, and it is by far my favorite game of this generation and possibly, ever.




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And that was source was correct.
The thing about that was i stated that "2008 might only apply to Europe as we don't know if it effects America or Japan." This was later proven true because Europe was set for a 2008 release. I can't help it if people got that all twisted. The guy was not wrong... things got twisted somewhere.

So, if this guy says it's delayed on a global scale now then he could very well be correct. Sega US could be lying because they don't have a press release ready.
Still, i will contact our European PR again and ask him one more time now that the office in the States has said otherwise.

Yeah, I know he was right, thats why I said I believe him.



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I was freaking out about more wait time, but thats because I tend to think of the short term crap first. Of course it'll drive me crazy that we have to wait, but all in all, I want a better game, so I know its a good thing. At least we know they're taking care with this game. ^^ THEY'D BETTER! >:0 WE EAT PUPPIES!




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I was freaking out about more wait time, but thats because I tend to think of the short term crap first. Of course it'll drive me crazy that we have to wait, but all in all, I want a better game, so I know its a good thing. At least we know they're taking care with this game. ^^ THEY'D BETTER! >:0 WE EAT PUPPIES!

Acctualy, im on a strict No-Puppy diet...
Im eating KITTENS Intead >=D

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