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Rodea the Sky Soldier?

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New Yuji Naka game Kotaku called a 'spiritual' sequel to Nights... don't like the anime style but gameplay might be good.





    Crazy Regular

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Good lord!  I forgot all about this game. Thank you for posting this. My Wii U will be happy.

Dex la Cabra

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This game isn't half taking a while to come out, is it? XD It's cool that it comes bundled with the Wii version in Japan, I'm not sure if they're doing that over here in the West though. I'm intrigued to see how it controls on the Wii U gamepad though, and hopefully they'll make better use of the touch screen than Nintendo do sometimes *coughSmashBroscough* *coughtheuserinterfaceisevendesignedfortouchscreencompatibilitycough*




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Will be sure to come back to this topic once I finish the game. So far, the gameplay is the best part. Albeit a bit weird, but still fun. Not too crazy over the characters or story, but the graphics during gameplay and cutscenes are nice. Standard Wii fare. Music is good. My main problem is that this is the first Wii game I've ever played where it physically hurts to play. My hand wound up being really sore after just one level. It's fun to play, but it's unfortunately uncomfortable to do so. On the bright side, the Wii version came packaged with the Wii U version in North America, so I could switch from Wiimote to Gamepad, if I really wanted to. But I hear the Wii U version is not nearly as good. It forces you to use the touch screen to fly, and is more or less a direct port of the 3DS version. I'll stick with the Wii version for now. Will let you know my final thoughts whenever I finish.

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