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Sierra's Content

There have been 8 items by Sierra (Search limited from 05-May 23)

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#100601 Community Animal Crossing New Leaf Thread

Posted by Sierra on 19 September 2013 - 06:04 PM in Community Corner

These days, when I'm not on Tumblr, I'm playing Animal Crossing on my 3ds.




My friendcode is 1547 5282 4648

Anyone else wants to add theirs here, I will start a list.


#100598 NiGHTS into Dreams Virtual Console

Posted by Sierra on 16 September 2013 - 03:23 AM in NiGHTS chit-chat

I'd buy it. Sure I have it on Steam already, but whatevs. Anything to keep it going in gaming circles, especially for a new generation of lil gamers. ^^

#100569 Get Better Sleep

Posted by Sierra on 28 August 2013 - 02:40 PM in Dream Discussion

Exercise is proven to change brain chemistry, so yeah, it probably did. ^^ Try doing a small workout before bed for a few days and see if it continues to help.

@viper: I have the same problem.... My brain refuses to shut up. I actually worked out meditative breathing as a kid so I could fall asleep. I still use it when my brain is being hyper, it really helps. Just breathe in, count to five, breathe out, count to five, and repeat, putting all of your attention on the task. Your brain will try to wander, but keep at it!

#100562 Get Better Sleep

Posted by Sierra on 27 August 2013 - 01:29 AM in Dream Discussion

I turn off all my electronics about an hour before bed. (Or try to... It's a challenge) I read somewhere once that the quality of light from computers, TVs, and smartphones inhibits melatonin production. I wish I could remember where I read it to show you. In either case, when I read in bed for an hour or two before I turn out the lights instead of INTERNET, I do notice a difference in how fast I fall asleep.


It also helps me to fall asleep faster when I eat a small snack beforehand, like a bowl of cereal or something.


Lastly, I also tend to wake up a lot when I sleep because I'm a ridiculously light sleeper, but I've discovered keeping a glass of water by my bed to drink from when I wake up helps me go back to sleep faster, for some reason.


Hope these help!

#100556 Lucidity Then and Now

Posted by Sierra on 26 August 2013 - 01:01 AM in Dream Discussion

@Musashi: Yeah, I do the same thing. As soon as I become lucid enough, I generally go straight to flying. I went skydiving the other night!  I'm really happy my flying is improving so quickly. ^^

#100527 Lucidity Then and Now

Posted by Sierra on 24 August 2013 - 03:42 PM in Dream Discussion

@ Infractus: Yeah... I remember having to constantly stay up, too. It still happens sometimes. Just keep at it, slowly you'll work out what tricks work for you. At least, that's what I did. ^^;  I'm still actually really bad at consciously realizing I'm dreaming, myself. I just dream, and do lucid dream like things without thinking about it, and then I say things like, "I am so glad I'm asleep right now. Wait, I'm asleep?" I have no idea what to make of it.


@gonzo : It's really hard to maintain lucidity at first, when I first started I would be so startled by the sudden change I would make myself wake up instantly. But slowly over time, they would last longer and longer.  You can do it!


@ Sammy: Wow, NiGHTS almost never shows up in my dreams. That's really cool!  I think I can remember about two dreams with NiGHTS. Ask him/her for lessons next time you see him/her.


And take note everybody: the more you talk about your dreams, the more it gets your brain to pay attention while dreaming.  It trains your brain to take notes as you sleep for later, which is one step towards your brain being aware enough to go lucid.

#100517 Lucidity Then and Now

Posted by Sierra on 24 August 2013 - 02:48 PM in Dream Discussion

So I haven't been here in over a year... Much more. And it got me thinking, compared to back when I did post here regularly, my lucid dreaming skills have grown immensely. I can actually steer while flying now! (Yes this is notable)


So I ask you this: What milestones have you noticed in your dreaming from the past year? I know lucid dreaming is hard for a lot of you, so lets celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small, and cheer each other on.

#100502 What are you up to? (Or: let's have a reintroduction thread?)

Posted by Sierra on 24 August 2013 - 01:55 AM in Community Corner

I am incredibly jealous of your progress in the quest for the Holy Librarian Grail- I just volunteer to pretend to be a librarian on weekends.


I myself have been very busy HAVING A JOB, which is new and exciting and scary even though it's part time and hard work and I've been doing it for about 8 months. The rest of my free time has been taken up by trying to clear my games backlog (and failing, damn you Animal Crossing!) and keeping in touch with my friends.


And Tumblr. Lots and lots of Tumblr. *shakes fist*