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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 04 2009 12:00 AM

In Topic: If NiGHTS was an educational TV show?

03 February 2009 - 04:29 AM

In response to the PowerPuff Girl idea:

For anyone who's slightly familiar with Powerpuff Girls Z here's a couple of adorable transformations of NiGHTS and Reala by ico from her site.

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Sorry, I had to share these. XD

these are adorable and i like your icon too <_< (i drew it long ago)

In Topic: RANT.

23 April 2008 - 03:17 AM

I'm sure if someone gave you trouble about stuff like this, or negative posts, it had nothing to do with me. We're not a "hive mind" here. But anyway, I was just horsing around. This isn't "serious business". ^_^ :) :) :) :) :)

theres nothing left to rant about son so now its just u and me. nobody has ever given me a problem, purgy-sama, and i know that if they did youd be the first to come to my aid~~

but it certainly HAS been sounding like serious business around these parts lately. you mods ought to lighten up. this isnt a JOB, you know. its for fun. its for friends :) at least thats why i come around. instead of acting like a bitchy little girl when someone questions you, perhaps you could ... ignore them? i know ignoring undesirable things is standard procedure here.

to contribute: it is my feelings that jod would be 1000 times better if they had given realas voice over to the actor who did freizas american dub from dbz. ideya ballllsss, i want to caress themmmm~~

In Topic: RANT.

23 April 2008 - 02:45 AM

If you're implying that we force people to like the game, I would advise you to think about how people who don't like it explain they don't like it: Are they reasonable or are they rude? Anyway, lets stay on the topic that you created. Maybe Iizuka-SAN will read it over and learn a thing or two.. NiGHTS IS KAWAII DESU NE NANI DAISUKE SHITERUYO!!11ONE

.... What does saying "san" annoying you have to do with the game? Nothing. I just threw that in there as a little treat. :angry:

he didn't imply that at all, don't act so flustered over something a 13 year old said

and he probably doesn't like people calling the dude iizuka-san because it makes you sound like a huge dorky weeaboo. sorry if this post is too negative sounding :);; <3

In Topic: Our fun day at SEGA in London!

21 March 2008 - 03:19 AM

oh mah stars im so jealous of this MERCHANDISE!!!! *pulls hair out* trippy give me your shoes ill look sassier in them

did you guys get to keep any of those lil marios..? what was the deal w talltails.......poor bastard... was jazz there in her reala costume?

i wanna move to europe!

In Topic: Our fun day at SEGA in London!

20 March 2008 - 02:50 AM

lookin great guys very cool! i hope sega paid you well! are you officially employees now??