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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2008 04:40 AM


22 December 2007 - 09:37 PM

So, what ranks are you around the world? If you don't have your Wii online, post your scores for each level. You can find your scores for each level and each mission in Will's Journal and Helen's Diary on the Story Select screen.

LEVEL NAME - Date of Rankings, # of Participants
1st mission, score, and (rank #)
2nd mission, etc.
3rd mission, etc.
4th mission, etc.
5th mission, etc.


Pure Valley - 12/23/2007, 1,162
1. 130644, #20 (woo)
2. 879, #20 (woo)
3. 1920, #325
4. 15020, #161
5. 181, #47

Lost Park - 12/22/2007, 425
1. 128432, #25 (woo)
2. 15150, #221
3. 81, #255
4. 18100, #19 (woo, again)
5. 198, #243

Delight City - 12/22/2007, 332
1. 102357, #18 (woo)
2. 34380, #96
3. 82, #71
4. 15260, #71
5. 260, #22 (woo)

Bellbridge - 12/22/2007, 387
1. 102087, #64


Aqua Garden - 12/22/2007, 880
1. 117402, #19
2. 7100, #41
3. 296, #48
4. 24880, #130
5. 245, #14

Crystal Castle - ??/??/2007, ???
1. 64668, #???
2. 73, #???
3. 16260, #???
4. 17800, #???
5. 137, #???

Memory Forest - 12/22/2007, 303
1. 56829, #212
2. 8830, #210
3. 81, #131
4. 47080, #194
5. 285, #1 (WOOT) (though now I'm not #1) :[

Bellbridge - ??/??/2007, ???
1. 81753, #???

I don't get how you can't update as many times as you want to, and there's a waiting period. :|

My so-and-so artwork... (56k warning?)

23 June 2007 - 03:42 AM

Well... I don't consider myself to be good at drawing/spriting/etc. things, but I'll share my super-small, so-and-so, somewhat strange collection of NiGHTS-related artwork that I've made. :)

Most recently, a Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga-styled sprite(s, I guess)! :o

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Avatar thingies:

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Cursors (the animation is faster as a cursor than it is as a gif, for some reason):
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http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b70/Gun6/NiGHTSArtpad.jpg < "giant" artpad picture because it wouldn't give me a valid link and I didn't want to lose it ;-;

Comments? Criticism? Leave it all here. :P