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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 12 2008 04:40 AM

In Topic: The next kids in a NiGHTS game

12 June 2008 - 04:33 AM

*is late* Personally, I think that the dreamers would need to fit the whole "mysterious" aspect of NiGHTS. Nightopia and Nightmare are really just characteristics of the dreamer transformed into a "real" world. (Or at least a phase that the dreamer needs to go through to ultimately better themselves in the end.) Therefore, the dreamers shouldn't be restricted to a physical form (maybe a monochromatic outline/wireframe at the most). Throughout the game, their forms would gain a solid structure as they gain Ideya and grow (the background story for each character is nice, but it's the growing phase to overcome their troubles that is represented in the actual game), but they would never reach a "100%" level of existence in their dreams. They would be characterized by their traits and their progress throughout the game (everybody would be able to interpret the character in a different way, much like how people interpret NiGHTS's gender).

Different cultures/backgrounds are worthless since the self-development is supposed to be a universal appeal that applies to many people. A person involved in a car crash could be interesting based on how they develop, but an elderly woman can also develop and be interesting (so there doesn't need to be a gritty background for somebody to develop).

In short, the characters shouldn't need a face for us to identify them. Kind of similar to reading a book without illustrations; you can get a general idea of what they are, but you build their appearance based on your own interpretations.

In short short, YAY FANART.

In Topic: Animal Crossing: Wild World

28 May 2008 - 05:03 AM

Posted Image

Terrible quality, but I think that you get the hint.

In Topic: Animal Crossing: Wild World

25 May 2008 - 11:13 PM

Hah! I have Animal Crossing AND Animal Crossing: Wild World, as well as TWO NiGHTS patterns!

@ Nemoide: It will just have hundreds of weeds, some roaches, everybody in your town will have either moved away or almost forgotten that you're alive, and your mailbox will be full. : ]

In Topic: Does JoD need to be rated lower than E?

23 May 2008 - 02:28 AM


You shall not escape the now-gender-specific (unless if it's a kilt) NiGHTS!

Oh, and no, NiGHTS should not be rated 3+ .

In Topic: Does JoD need to be rated lower than E?

23 May 2008 - 01:29 AM

NiGHTS Teaches Typing!

Posted Image

(This is THE most epic MSPaintshopping EVAR!... other than all of the Z's because I'm too la-Z! Original image: http://i17.photobuck...30802477-07.gif )

... *snort*

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