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Member Since 04 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 18 2014 04:21 AM


06 July 2012 - 02:35 AM

I finally managed to get my copy of the remake to work smoothly and this happens. :wacko:

Oh well, I suppose I'm pretty glad anyways. I'm really excited that it's being released on the PC as well! Hopefully someone will take a look into hacking it, though at the least it'd be neat to take a look at the files. ^_^


21 May 2012 - 02:06 AM

Has anyone found bad NiGHTS fanfiction? I've always wondered whether such a thing exists

I'd rather not look, but since it is the internet, somehow I fear it does. :(

Anyways, I don't feel like have the time to be reading fanfiction, nevermind bad fanfiction. I'd rather keep away from the horrors joys of bad fanfiction rather then reading it, I couldn't imagine the pain joy if I did.

(Oh, and first post in awhile. :D )

In Topic: Obedience or Defiance

14 July 2011 - 05:13 AM

Haze replied to Scykle. "Well, not much really. By the way, what happened after I lost you guys back in Lost Park?" Haze asked.

In Topic: Obedience or Defiance

13 July 2011 - 05:01 AM

"Ugh, she's really stuck on there." Haze continued to struggle with pulling Youko off of Scykle's hand. "Well, good to know she's still persistent as ever, I suppose."

In Topic: Obedience or Defiance

12 July 2011 - 02:50 AM

While trying to pull Youko off of Scykle's hand, Haze replied. "Well, let's see. I escaped Scykhell in Lost Park, which ended up weakening me quite considerably, as I passed out for quite some time. Woke up, and not only did I discover all those Nightopians burying me in sand for some sort of insane idea of fun, but that my escape still had me weakened! I couldn't change into my shadow form, and still can't, otherwise I would have lost those Nightopians all the way back in Lost Park." Haze sighed. "So I struggled my way out of the sand, tried to kick away those Nightopians, which only made things worse, as you saw before, and started making my way out of Lost Park. Luckily, I was near the border, so a few hundred steps later, I was in Spring Valley. Trekked my way through the entire Nightopia, and then soon came across Mystic Forest, and well, a few minutes later I came across you guys again." Haze paused to catch his breath, and continued to struggle pulling Youko off. "So in short, I've been worse. Anyways, I was going to ask you how you've been, but, um, from the looks of things, I'd say not well."