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Member Since 11 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2008 08:41 AM

Hi, I'm Vheit!

12 February 2008 - 07:28 AM

Hello! I'm Vheit a new NiGHTS fan!
I'm an Italian videogames-lover and collector. Recently, for my birthday (6th February), I've received NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams. I'm truly loving this game! I use to love all the characters related to the "World of Dreams" so i like NiGHTS (and Klonoa).
In few words, I hope to share with other people this new-born passion for NiGHTS.
I'd want to say more, but I'm not very used to write in english and I hope i will be able of being understood enough. I'm sorry for eventual mistakes in my sentences.

P.S.: are there Italian users in this community?