Where to start?
I'm Yin, I like NiGHTS, although I don't have the games, I have seen all the walkthroughs on YouTube. I have played JoD on my friends Wii as Reala, and lost about 2 times before I gave up.
My friend who has the game bizzarely knows how to play the JoD theme on the Piano. She is OBSESSED!
But then, so am I!!!
I have also got an obsession/hobbie of Role Playing. Me and my obsessed friend have started a NiGHTS one on my little forum, that only me and her go on. And I'm not planning on anyone else going on it either <<.
I am also quite good at drawing, Microsoft Paint or by hand.
I also love owls. Fwee!
So thats me.
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Member Since 03 Feb 2008Offline Last Active Feb 19 2008 03:22 PM