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Hysteric Polaris
Hysteric Polaris
Member Since 29 Jan 2008Offline Last Active Jul 12 2008 06:40 PM
Profile Feed

Hysteric Polaris → EB-G
You officially win an infinite amount of internets for having an avatar of one of the sexiest scenes in JoD. *bows*

Hysteric Polaris → Pikmingirl
Dude will you be posting pix of your cosplay here or on DA?? You must!!! You muuuust!

Hysteric Polaris → WOLFNiGHTS2703
np! Love your art! So jealous of your skill!! TuT

Hysteric Polaris → seiya
omg I love your stuff on DeviantArt! You're sooo talented! *u* And I'm glad you seem to like mine too since you've fav'd a few of my NiGHTS pieces... Hope we can be friends!

Hysteric Polaris → Pikmingirl
OMG Jackle cosplay?! *so jealous* I actually want to do a RxJ cosplay with my bf soon(I'm gonna be the Reala! <3), but we can't sew for beans, so we're ordering our costumes from LimeBarb.com.

Hysteric Polaris → Pikmingirl
Yay Pikmin! And thanks for the comment/compliments! =D You seem nice; I hope we get to be good friends here!