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Peiradaie (one of my Fanmarens) interviews Jackle with your questions up until June 20th!
Please keep in mind that the actors are just trying to be in character, so no offense is intended by rude comments.
And unfortunately, not only do we suck at recording stuff, but there was a thunderstorm outside at the time, so the recording is very quiet and we had to delete the parts that were overshadowed by thunder. x_x
Here's the mp3; I'll work on a YouTube video later when I have more time on my hands.
We're now well into May...so I'll probably be closing this up in about a month. I think I see my bf on June 21st, so I'll stop taking questions and comments about a week beforehand so that he can come up with some entertaining responses to all of your posts. <3
For now, keep the questions and shout outs coming!