I know what you mean, its very annoying. The levels are amazing and yet you have only a little amount of walking on foot to look at everything, including with amazing camera control that is not in every games.
I was thinking the other day of you know about MyDream.. You should be able to move some things around such as furniture (the very random foot stool for a fact) That way you can arrange it to how you want it to be, not just go in a random spot, become modly after pians get bored with it and then desapear. (my poor disco area D: it went poof! )
But anyway~
Yeah like in Delight city the stupid cliff that blocks you from the city out of the playground is rather annoying. In Melody forest, everything is high up (but I think you have more of an exploring in that level) As you can tell with the game, some things have been change at last chance as some things were blocked off. Not really fair since they did such an amazing design on the game (and music which won 2007's best music for Nintendo) Sega should take in some more concideration for the enjoyment of the gamers.
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Member Since 28 Jan 2008Offline Last Active Nov 15 2008 05:50 PM