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Member Since 25 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 21 2008 11:37 AM

The May London Expo is nearly here

20 April 2008 - 02:13 PM

As I said the London Expo is almost here, May 25th I think
and I wanted to know if any NiD forum representatives will attend :lol:?

And I think it's about time we Show London that the NiGHTS fanbase is still going strong :)
or even just a fun little meeting even for all our London based members well let me know your thoughs

I'm gonna be there
(unfortunately not a NiGHTS one, I can't sew at all u_u)

what about A real Competition?...

01 February 2008 - 03:17 AM

are you tired of those everyday Forum Competitions? Tired of working really hard on something only to get a CONGRATULATION as a reward?
Well In a shining exapmple of my generosity (and a great desire to be liked here on this forum) I will be holding my own little competition,
what competition I hear you ask, Well I errr... haven't really decided yet ... ^_^ :lol:

what is the reward I hear you also ask? well..... right now all I can think of offering is Wii points ^_^ a heh

anyway if I am gonna do this, I'm gonna need some help from the higher ups... admins and what not, cause I will need impartial judges and what not.

well if you have anythoughts on this let me know

Friendly Forum-hood Spiderma... I mean Moto

Vivid dreams is NiGHTS the cause?

01 February 2008 - 02:57 AM

I am not a person who dreams all that often, or at least never remeber doing so, but as soon as I started playing NiGHTS JoD I started having the most vivid dreams, ones so life like I found it hard to distinguish dream from reality... they also seem to be continuations of the night before, I've now in the past few nights been able to control the flow of my dreams, being fully aware it was a dream and thus having complete freedom, A feeling I had long since forgoton... but could a Video Game really be the cause?

your thoughts

Dragons In my Dream

01 February 2008 - 02:50 AM

I personally found this rather cool

I went into my dream tonight, after wondering around for a little while looking at my stuff, it's starting to look kinda cool in there you guys should stop on by ^_^

but anyway to my point, I suddenly noticed one of my Mepians hold up a big Dragon mask, I thought thats a kinda cool Mepian skill, then I noticed my regular pians were doing it also, then It dawned on me, My Pians are celebrating chinese new year... which is tomorrow... of course I could be wrong but still anyone else noticing this?

anyway your thoughts on this

My Challange

27 January 2008 - 05:15 PM

I thought it would be fun to keep track of my Races with you guys... and one day I will be able to say I have defeated you all (at least once) So come and seek me out if your think you got what it takes
I have added everyone from the Friend Code database so yeah

there is no way of proving these results, so if you have challenged me and think that I am lieing feel free to mention it... so without further ado, the results

Name of Challenger

Stage name: Wins/Losses
Total: Wins/Losses
Pure Vally: 1/1
Lost Circus: 1/1
Total: 2/2
Yes I have waaaaaay to much free time