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Member Since 25 Apr 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 19 2008 11:49 PM

In Topic: NiGHTS's Age

12 October 2007 - 02:38 AM

Well, in mah Fan-fiction (FULL OF MARY-SUES OF COURSE (LOL, JK) ), NiGHTS is OVER 9000 *SHOT*.

No, seriously. NiGHTS is about 250 Nightmaren or Human years old in mah fanfic.

NiGHTS probably is really a lot older than that. NiGHTS's existence probably dates back to Caveman times >3.

So, in reality, NiGHTS may well be over 9000. That's pretty f*!*ing sweet, if you ask me.

WHAT 9,000?! ;)
He's over nine THOUSAAAAAAND!!!!! LOL Meme! ^_^ Seriously, I think he's 23 or 24 years old. In another time zone...such as my dreamland Imaginaria....love dat place...the original time zones were jacked up by the TiME Mages of Torraltown(where the TiME Marens and Third-eye Click live) and slowed it, causing them to age like humans. It didn't really effect them though, its just a 1,000 year difference between Nightopia. So, yeah. I think he's much younger than what y'all sayin'. Just my opinion.

In Topic: Smash Bros Brawl

12 October 2007 - 02:13 AM

;) :P :blink:

Nintendo just revealed at the Nintendo conference a new trailer of Smash Brothers Brawl, which shows Sonic as a playable character and includes him transforming into his Super Sonic form! All the speculation can finally come to an end! He's here!

Videos are on the Smash Brothers Dojo main website at www.smashbros.com/en_us/index.html
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I hope this won't be the only SEGA character in Brawl either!

*dies of happy spazzing* Ha! I knew he was gonna be there sooner or later!! I'm gunna kick sum butt with him... :D