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Member Since 22 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2010 10:08 PM

In Topic: Video Editing Help

07 August 2010 - 05:30 AM

Tried the "renaming" thing. It doesn't work.

In Topic: Ever encounter NiGHTS?

08 August 2009 - 03:22 AM

I've had NiGHTS in a few dreams, but not very many. Maybe he's been in more than I realize, 'cuz I often forget the majority of my dreams before I get my arms moving to write it down. (Curse my laziness! DX) Then again, maybe not.

Anyways. I remember this one in particular where me and NiGHTS were at a birthday party that was a pool party. Near the end of the party, I end up... erm... not wearing as much clothing as I would like... and I can't seem to find a dry pair of underwear that I swore I had stored in my purse for after the pool party. So I grab my house key from my purse and hand it to NiGHTS(who has his eyes averted in decency to protect my dignity). I ask him to please fly to my house and find a pair of underwear from my drawer, if he would be so kind. He did, and for that I am truly grateful. (I personally despise when my dream self is, erm, in the buff.)

I have another one that, while it doesn't feature NiGHTS to my memory, it did involve Jackle. He was being punished for doing something stupid, so he had to sweep the clearly labeled "Second Tallest Spiral Staircase in All of Nightmare". (Why they need it, I'll never know. :P) He then looks down on the dream of this little girl whose best friend, in the waking world, is moving away and they'll never be able to see each other again. For some reason, Jackle feels pity on this girl and enters the dream, taking on the form of a human boy. He picks a flower and gives it to her, trying to cheer her up. The girl then declares Jackle is now her second best friend and demands he play with her. I don't really remember what happens next until they end up in Nightmare and Jackle is his normal self again(I guess he felt comfortable letting the girl see his true self and she wasn't scared by him or something). There's strange noises coming from a room in Jackle's lair. "What's that sound?" the girl asks. "Sounds like either the Mini-Jackles(most likely inspired by having seen this right before bed) got into the Red Bull or the washer's on the fritz again," Jackle replies. CRASH! "Yep, definitely the Mini-Jackles." I actually later ended up drawing a picture based on this dream in waking. Funny thing is, I remembered every detail about the little girl, fron her hair to the cute little dress she was wearing, but not her name. So I gave her one. Lorelei. That was the first song that played on my iPod when I asked myself what to name her, and it just seemed so natural. That probably was her name all along. ... Lo-re-lei, let's liiiiive together! Brighter than the staaaars forever!

I had another Jackle dream, this one being short and... um... short. Jackle exploded. Yep.