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Member Since 18 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2008 02:26 AM


27 January 2008 - 02:03 AM

Does anyone else like the group Caramell?

My friend asked a question about the all of those animations of people dancing to "Caramelldansen" and I looked up the group and I'm hooked to their stuff. Some of my favorite songs are "Spelar Ingen Roll", "Kom Håll Om Mig" and "Vad Heter Du?"

And of course "Caramelldansen."

NiGHTS wallpapers

20 January 2008 - 03:37 AM


I've made a few wallpapers using Photoshop CS3. I don't have many but I hope to do more in the future. (maybe tomorrow) Most likely a Reala one. I'd do more now but I'm....kinda tired. *^*

They were made to fit my laptop, so they'll be wide. I've re-sized a few of them to fit 1024x768.

Just to show you guys what I gots:

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I'm thinking of re-doing it because the background is kind of...bleh.
This one is kind of a weird size because I screwed up. >-----------------------x

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This one was made for my Gaia account. I replaced it with the first wall listed. I also used it for a banner. (which I despise and will be replacing it soon)

Suuuu there I'm done. ;0;


18 January 2008 - 10:14 PM


I'm fairly new to NiGHTS. I've played the original game....maybe once when I was little? (I remember the class fighting about whose turn it was to play the game waaaaaaaaaay back when in kindergarten; my class owned a Sega Saturn and we took turns playing it *^*)

I rented Journey of Dreams while looking for a game to keep me awake until midnight on New Year's Eve. As soon as I started the game I fell in love with it. The graphics, the music....AUUUGH! ;0; I've rented it a few more times but I have to wait until my next birthday until I can actually OWN it. *sobs* Ah well.

But uh, ANYWAYS....

I live in the south in the USofA. I have an account on Gaia, Sheezyart and Deviantart (though not very active on there). I love cosplaying and drawing. I hope to cosplay NiGHTS one day. (I would do it for Animazement but I doubt I have enough time D<) I also enjoy playing Guitar Hero, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, SSBM, Mario and Kingdom Hearts.

I'm slowly getting my friends into the game as well. *sinister laugh*

Sooooo that's it~