Greetings, as you you can tell by my posting here I am new to these forums. I guess I should share how I found this site, as it relates to my question. Having recently purchased NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams due to my Christmas break being dulled by the onset of pneumonia, I fell in love with the simple yet addicting game-play style, plus the characters and their designs. I was browsing another forum, when the topic of NiGHTS came up and a picture from a fan-comic was posted, called "NiGHTS into Shadow". The person refused to give a source or author for the page, and my searching eventually lead me to this site, where (as far as I can tell, so sorry if I am mistaken) the creator of the comic is an admin. However, I could not locate the comic in any of the fanart or fan-comic sections, so I somewhat think I might be mistaken. This leads to my question.
Is there any way I could find the comic I mentioned, "NiGHTS into Shadows"? If the creator does not want the comic online anymore, I understand completely and will not ask anymore. I just figured it couldn't hurt to ask at least once.
Well, other than that, I look forward to partaking in the community here, though I am more of a lurker than a poster.
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Asil Eiram
Asil Eiram
Member Since 12 Jan 2008Offline Last Active Feb 08 2008 01:46 AM