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Member Since 30 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2008 05:29 AM

Nintendo Wii

28 July 2008 - 07:31 PM

Click here and here for the details.

So, who else here is pissed off about this? >_>

Wii Problem

20 January 2008 - 06:45 AM

Okay, my Wii has been acting like a piece of crap, lately. :D

First I got Guitar Hero III. When I popped the disk, I couldn't do that story-like thing: When I tried making the name for my band, it'd freeze. It would also freeze on Quickplay mode.

So I took it back to Gamestop and got my moneyz back because I thought it was a faulty disk.

A few days later, I got a new one. When I popped it in, the same thing happened like before.

So I took it back, thinking it was just repackaged or something (and got my moneyz back again.

So I got Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity.

And guess what?

As soon as the game started, it wouldn't respond to the wiimote. -.-

Now, the wiimote had charged batteries (I checked), it was the first-player wiimote, and it worked with other games.

And since not one, but TWO games have failed at playing, it has to be the Wii.

And yes, I have played other games since this event occured; they've worked. xD

Mah wiimote sucks! D:

05 January 2008 - 01:18 AM

Okay, first off I dun' know where to post this topic so I'm putting it here (so please move it if you know guys where it's supposed to go).

Now, on with the problem.

I really wanna try 2p racing with my sister...

But I CAN'T! D:

Because for some reason, the second remote thinks it's THIRD player! -______-

I don't know why, but it refuses to work. >_>

I've tried taking out and putting the batteries back in.

I've tried replacing the batteries.

I've even tried playing around with the buttons for ten minutes.

But nothing has worked.

So I was wondering, do you guys know what's wrong?

And if you do, can you tell me how to fix it?


04 January 2008 - 02:23 AM

Lesse here...

I'm Cruithne! =D

I'm, more or less, semi-new to the NiGHTS fandom. xD

I've seen NiGHTS before (though, sadly, I've never had the chance to play the original games).

I saw 'im while playing Sonic games.

And I kinda found this site by chance a few days ago while I was bored.

And it was interesting, so I joined. =D