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Member Since 30 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2008 05:29 AM

In Topic: Trauma Center

05 August 2008 - 08:15 AM

Well, to be honest I never beat the first one. xD;;;

I gave up on the one where you first use that star-thingy by yourself to slow down time.

I'm slow and I'd always wind up killing the patient in some way or another. D:

In Topic: Nintendo Wii

05 August 2008 - 01:32 AM

*random person going down an empty street
Controller Dealer: Hey... I gots them GCubes, them Wavebirds, and them classics man.
Random Person: What?
C. Dealer: Make it quick. I don't want 5-0 busting my ass.
Police: You are under arrest for distributing illegal goods. Put the controllers on the ground and put your hands on your head.
C. Dealer: You'll never take me alive! *takes out Zapper*

I loled.

Then I made this using the combined powers of Paint, stealing your lines (hope you don't mind), and having nothing better to do =D:

Posted Image

Wut? .-.

Jackle has to do something now that he's not a henchman anymore. >.>;;;



*brick'd for off-topicness*

In Topic: Trauma Center

03 August 2008 - 01:40 AM

*waves hand in the air*

I have! =D

It has made me very angry on many occasions. >:|

In Topic: Oh, TokyoPop. *rolls eyes*

01 August 2008 - 06:35 AM

A bit from the other side of the argument.

Doot-doot-doot~ *toddles off while whistling*

In Topic: Nintendo Wii

31 July 2008 - 11:55 PM

And since we know where they are now, lets send anyone we know that lives in Texas to picket outside there building! >:3