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Member Since 17 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Mar 12 2010 08:30 PM
Community Stats
- Group Visitor
- Active Posts 189
- Profile Views 13380
- Member Title Dreamer
- Age 36 years old
- Birthday December 4, 1987
London, Uk
I am an avid gamer but also enjoy all kinds of other hobbies such as going out to museums,events and such. As it is currently Winter it means hibernating in house rather than going out a lot. <br /><br /> I should also mention that growing up playing on SEGa systems it is now my favorite game company in the whole world. The games developed by it always inspire me a lot and remind me of all those games many years ago such as Nights that I have many fond memories of. <br /><br />I also am really creative and tend to do all kinds of art such as drawings,painting and such. However, lately I have focused more on my computing course so have not done much. :)
- Website URL http://blueherogaming.wordpress.com/