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Member Since 03 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Mar 31 2009 07:19 PM
Profile Feed
TORiAS_the_fallen → ViXEN
Hi! Oh, me too, I have LOTS of new obseesions! I was gone for most of the time you were to, so no big deal. I thought you got caught in a drug cartel! Geez!
Oct 29 2008 12:57 PM
ViXEN → TORiAS_the_fallen
8D ~! Oh man, sorry for the lateness. There has been TONS of stuff going on at my end. . .and a lot of new obsessions. >3>;
So how are -you-? ^w^
Oct 28 2008 04:57 PM
So how are -you-? ^w^
TORiAS_the_fallen → ViXEN
I'm letting you know I'm back with some degree of permanance this time.
Apr 12 2008 08:03 PM
TORiAS_the_fallen → ViXEN
ViXEN, sorry I've been gone so long! I'll be hardcore on Saturday!
Feb 07 2008 07:18 PM
ViXEN → TORiAS_the_fallen
There,there...*Pats your head* How about a hug? *Hugs* Hugs make everything better! :3
Feb 01 2008 07:35 PM
ViXEN → TORiAS_the_fallen
Hey there! ...Just wanted to say hi...How ya doin'? :3
Jan 23 2008 05:38 PM
TORiAS_the_fallen → ViXEN
I'm not gonna be here every day now... my class schedule changed... *cries*
Jan 15 2008 06:01 PM