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Member Since 01 Dec 2007Offline Last Active Feb 02 2010 06:40 PM
Profile Feed
Dex la Cabra → ArchangelUK
don't tell anyone.....but i well sent you an email! :O
May 18 2009 09:48 AM
striker0 → ArchangelUK
I just have to say, your avatar made me laugh. It's cute, but at the same time, I don't trust him with those golf clubs.
Mar 23 2009 06:16 PM
Dex la Cabra → ArchangelUK
As maresuke says, thankyou. albeit he said it a year ago...:P
Dec 17 2008 08:58 PM
Maresuke → ArchangelUK
Thanks so much for being our voices! Much thanks goes to you!
Dec 02 2007 02:47 AM