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Member Since 23 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2007 08:20 AM

No PS2 NiD release ANYWHERE!

03 December 2007 - 04:38 AM

It's not all roses however, it turns out that the PS2 remake of the original game is Japan only. Perhaps it will be ported to the Wii in the future. Still, no harm in wishing. ~from this websites front page on the update section.~

I was banking on playing this remake on my PS2 and then if it was a good as the original (which i used to own years ago before my saturn died), I was going to shell out the cash for a Wii to get the sequal. Now though, theres no way Im spending my money on a Wii for a sequel when I can't play the original without getting my arse on ebay to buy yet ANOTHER sega saturn thats warranty went out years ago and will probably die on me sonner than the old saturn because of age! Story of my life. Bad monkey, Sega, bad! This thread is for whining about no USA UK CANADA MEXICO CHINA ANY!!!!! country releases. Rant over...

If Reala Merged with a dreamer...

01 December 2007 - 12:57 AM

I don't know if it is possible. But considering the similarities between NiGHTS and Reala I dont see why not. What if Reala took an unsuspecting dreamer and merged with him or her to combat NiGHTS? Reala is a baddie, so I am sure he could be seductive and sneaky enough to protray himself as a nice little helper ala NiGHTS. What do you think?

Where is TRiP's art?

26 November 2007 - 05:25 PM

I went to her old DA page and saw that she left it and has stated that her art will be here. I have found some of it but I know that it is only a very small amount. She had a huge gallery at DA between official characters and her own fan made work (the name escapes me atm). So where is ALL of her stuff at right now? Anywhere? Thanks.

Allow me to introduce myself.

23 November 2007 - 08:56 PM

Whats up everyone? I've been a NiGHTS fan for a few years back since I happened across a Saturn and an old copy of the game. I discovered Trippy's site around the same time when she was just about to switch servers or hosts or whatever they are called.
Unfortunately my Saturn went bye bye and I sold my NiGTS game because I didn't have the funds or the motivation to get another Saturn. In retrospect, bad idea. Recently with the news that NiGHTS will make an appearance on PS2 I've taken up my interest again with hopes of getting to relive and continue my experiences with this excellent franchise. I may at some point even get a Wii to play Jod. I look forward to interacting with all of you.