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Member Since 23 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 25 2007 08:20 AM

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DiGi ValentineLiGHTS

Lol, yeah. It's all dreams-come-true for me. ^^ I still can't believe i'm with her, sometimes. Thanks for compliment :D
Dec 09 2007 05:42 PM

LiGHTSDiGi Valentine

I never would have thought that one time we were on about how Trippy was pretty that when I popped up again you would be her fiance :p. You tricky little bunny. Glad you found your "Dream girl" ;)
Dec 01 2007 01:39 AM

DiGi ValentineLiGHTS

Yeah, i remember you, man. We spoke a few times in the oooold chat room. Can't forget one of the people i came into the old site with, can i?. We arrived at nearly the same time so, yeah, i remember you well. Good to see ya again, man. :)
Nov 27 2007 01:15 AM

LiGHTSDiGi Valentine

Haha, DiGi. You've done well for yourself.I remember when you made your debut song here. You probably dont remember me, but I knew you a few years back on the old site. I went by Jester. Peace.
Nov 26 2007 09:11 PM


Is it just me or do some of the higher ups seem to be on a power trip?
Nov 26 2007 04:34 PM


I don't know you. I'm new. But I saw it was your birthday. Have a happy one :) Don't forget to make a wish. Couldn't hurt now could it?
Nov 24 2007 05:14 PM


So it all traces to you?
Fantastic. I love what you've done with NiGHTS. You hear it all the time but artists never tire of it, you're art is great. Many compliments. Look forward to playing here.
Nov 24 2007 02:31 PM