The way I see it. I will get NiGHTS one of two ways.
1) they release it on ps2 in america.
2) they put it on wii after the sequel.
The two ways I refuse to buy any game of such high demand.
1) spend the money to modchip my ps2 and import the game.
2) Go out and buy another Saturn after Ive already owned one and there is a perfectly good remake for ps2.
The reason for the latter two is the principal of the thing. Fans shouldnt have to hunt down an old system for one game when there is a remake available for the current systems but SEGA doesnt want to release it. Also, I shouldnt have to pay the extra money for chipping my ps2 to import a game that could just as easily be made for america. I would never pay the money to chip a system even if the tech was givin to me for free. Its the principal of the thing.
*walks off humming the tune to Super Mario Brothers* Its ok I suppose. My SNES has been getting lovin lately. And when I want a game for it I can get emu's and rom's. Im losing faith in SEGA. The genesis games were gold. It seems that since the tragedy with the saturn and dreamcast they havent been the same. I blame that partially on Sony, and partially on nintendo. Although I still *heart* nintendo, they have been part of the dirty deeds in VG history. Sony were the worst though. Since they hit the market they have been hell bent on stopping the opposition by any means. Whats worse, aside from the rare gem, ps2 wasnt that great, and ps3 isnt looking appetizing either for the price. The only system I may get in 6 months if I get any of this new Gen is Wii. But the way things are looking, the video game industry is becoming as shallow and for-the-rich-only as everything else cool out there.
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Member Since 23 Nov 2007Offline Last Active Dec 25 2007 08:20 AM