I would've posted this in the pinned hacking topic but it's locked. Looked around the forum and didn't see a mention of it so I figured I'd post my research here.
Over at Sonic Retro, I posted a huge topic in regards to the fact that this game has a LOT of left over material from development, particularly resources for debugging the game. I figured you guys might want to follow up on it so I decided to mention it here.
I believe you don't need an account at the forum to view the topic, so you can look at the original topic here. There, you can see my findings so far. If for some reason you can't view the topic, I can repost here.
But basically so far I manged to get the game to run as a TGS/E3 build complete with different title screen, a level select, and perhaps a few other differences in the level layout that need to be looked at. While this is all fine and good, what I REALLY want to do is make the game think it's a developer's copy so I can run the cool debugging tools. All I know about the debug so far is that it uses Gindows, which you can see in action here. While the game might have something a little bit newer than this, the general idea of the debugging tools is to simulate Windows within the game itself. Complete with mouse cursor and all.
Upon looking at the files so far, it looks very intricate and complex to use. But there's a slight snag in getting it to load. There are config files that determine what rom build, debug flags, etc are enabled at startup. But the game is a retail build, so it'll only boot the normal Config files. The goal is to trick the game into thinking it's a developers build, which will set a trigger to automatically load everything needed for a developers build.
I actually did get a menu of some kind to load when switching the rom version to Developer in the configuration files, but it's invisible because it's not loading the right modules.
I understand if not many people will understand what this topic is about, but I know some people around here were hacking the game a few years a go and figured some were still around that were interested.
Anyways, hope this was interesting.
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