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Member Since 18 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 14 2017 02:21 AM

Major IP Releases (2017)

15 May 2017 - 08:45 PM

Just recently, Sega has set a new plan to revive some old, great IPs for the upcoming future. They haven't said specifically which ones, but I feel that NiGHTS would be a likely one. Hopefully...



New Dreamer Unlocked

12 April 2017 - 06:48 PM

*shy look* Heh, hi everyone.


As you can see, I'm particularly new here, hence newbie. I'm Chrischaos81 and I've recently been attached to NiGHTS lately. By lately, meaning since the beginning of 2016. 


I've honestly never seen myself in any point in my life that I would be part of a fandom. But hey, it happens. We get attached to something we love. So... how did I find out about NiGHTS? Well, my 6 year old self first encountered NiGHTS at its pinball table in Sonic Pinball Party. The pinball table itself was amazing to play on. Well, fast forward to 11 years later (2016). I was feeling bored one day and decided to search up games that I've played in the past. I've played the pinball table again and the nostalgia hit me. Then afterwards, I was like "Hmm... this character. She must have a game of her own." Research was done and in April 2016, played JoD for the 1st time. Now, I know what you're thinking. Why play JoD 1st rather than NiD? I couldn't get a copy of NiD in the 1st place and realized on my birthday in October 2016, it was on Steam since 2012. I felt stupid at the time :P. Began to play the games and such and enjoyed every aspect that the games had to offer. :). The music is what drove me to NiGHTS the most. You simply can't deny its soundtrack <3. Speaking of the soundtracks, yes I'm that dude who made the extended versions of both NiGHTS soundtracks on YouTube. Why? Because rarely anyone else did. :P

Honestly, you can thank DiGi for helping me find this site xD. 


I know this site can be inactive at times, but I'm happy to be part of an amazing community! If for any reason you wish to contact me, you can friend me on Enjin or contact me through Skype. I'm honestly more active on Enjin. What will you see? Well... NiGHTS and memes of course :P




Also, since I'm a huge fan of music, have a dream-like melody from my favorite artist <3
