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Member Since 17 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 04 2008 01:58 AM

In Topic: NiGHTS Saturn 40% Beta

19 November 2007 - 10:28 PM

Haha, sweeeet. This went a lot more smoothly then that bit of Sonic X-Treme code that they tried to sell awhile back. Kinda shows a difference in fanbases, I think.

Well, to be frank, we got screwed back then. We did have the cash, it's just someone came up with a higher and bogus offer =P

That Sonic X-Treme build was crap anyway, so it doesn't even compare. To this day, I think the amount of money spent on Sonic prototypes by me, 80-90% of it from donations, is around $15000, so yeah =P

With any luck (or moreso the right cartridges, swap-tricks or modchips) I could try running it on my actual Saturn!

Wouldn't count on it that much. To run this on an actual Saturn you'd need an official boot disc called System Disc 2 (I think). They're kinda rare and hard to come by. Still, the game should run fine in emulators.

In Topic: NiGHTS Saturn 40% Beta

19 November 2007 - 06:48 PM

Update: I've just talked to the seller, and he got the money. He will ship tomorrow :)

In Topic: NiGHTS Saturn 40% Beta

19 November 2007 - 04:35 PM

Hahahah! Good luck! From what I hear, hacking NiGHTS is one task to behold. SH2 has got nothing on NiGHTS hacking.

Oh, SH2 has got everything to do with NiGHTS hacking =) Saturn runs on two SH2 processors, so if you know SH2 ASM, you can understand code and pretty much find/hack anything.


Posted Image

As soon as the seller, who wishes to remain anonymous, accepts the payment, we're good to go! I'll be back with the final word and donation options (my poor savings account...).

Every step of the way in the last hour has felt about as epic as anything else I've done in my life. Butterflies in my stomach doesn't begin to explain. I got maybe 3 hours sleep last night and have been the most impatient person ever until I could finally clear this transaction. My class was never longer. The air has never felt colder. The wind has never felt so fierce. Traffic has never moved so slow. The tellers at the banks have never been so stupid. My computer has never booted slower.

But it's done.

It's happening. It's real. We're getting the NiGHTS into Dreams beta.

This is brilliant news :) I will let the seller know immediately so he can ship as soon as possible :) Congrats, man.

I know how you feel. Hunting for protos is waiting 95% of the time. So I think I know exactly how you feel (the feeling increases when you wait for especially great protos :P.

In Topic: NiGHTS Saturn 40% Beta

19 November 2007 - 10:00 AM

SEGA owns the copyright for every NiGHTS file, everything worked on during the development, not just the final version. So without SEGA's permission it's technically illegal to distribute that. I have tried getting SEGA to permit me to do stuff like this before (with Sonic prototypes), but my friend at SoA told me it wouldn't be possible.

The disc also is also technically owned by SEGA (as are all prototypes) so I wouldn't brag about a proto (especially a proto like this) in front of SEGA, as they might just sue you and take the prototype from you :blink: Not that it has happened before, but it's a possibility.

That said, there shouldn't be any problems as nobody at SEGA currently cares about old games like this one =P

BTW, aside from being a prototype hunter, I am somewhat skilled in hacking and I know SH2 ASM. I will probably tackle finding hidden stuff in the game once it gets dumped. My question is, is there anyone else here who knows hacking and has hacked NiGHTS before?

In Topic: NiGHTS Saturn 40% Beta

19 November 2007 - 12:05 AM

This is great. If everything works, we will have preserved a truly one-of-a-kind gem. Kudos to TRAViS!

I'm glad I signed up on this forum :)