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Member Since 15 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2008 11:55 AM

Amusing Holiday Stuff

22 December 2007 - 11:59 PM

A place to share holiday things that make you smile (or cringe with a grin)

This one will be familiar to those of us in Scotland and I challenge anyone familiar with 'The Snowman' not to find this funny : )


"We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly

I’m holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you"

- 'Walking in the Air' - The Snowman

Good Carols, Evil Carols

18 November 2007 - 09:58 PM

It happens every year no matter where you go there are carols everywhere, survivable at first but after two or more months? ::Twitches violently::

But there is the odd exception, for me it's a song called 'Not Quite Silence'

What about all you others any special attachments to Christmas songs?


In another vain by the 24th....

"Down in the workshop all the elves were making toys
For the good gentle girl and the good gentle boys
Till the boss burst in. nearly scared them half to death
A rifle in his hand, cheap whisky on his breath...."

Another Hello

18 November 2007 - 12:36 AM

::Pads onto the board::

It's been a long time since I've done one of these : )

Lets see, I'm Madfish and I'm from Scotland.

I found NiGHTS, unusually I would guess, through a Sonic crossover fan fiction (The author now escapes me, Netraptor perhaps?) and liking the character (ideas?) found myself looking for more with I found at the long departed Videogame Arcana fanfiction archive (How many here remember it?). Good times : )
Got to play Christmas NiGHTS not long after and it was as great as people said <g>

Fast forward to a mere year ago when my other half remembered me talking about it and found me a copy for Valentines day (Yay!)

Other Likes: Cats, RPGs, sleeping, good music and fanfiction

Dislikes: Trolls, customers trying to get in after closing and alarm clocks

- Madfish

"And who hears the echoes of stories never told
Let them ring out loud as they unfold"

Melodies of Life