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Member Since 14 Nov 2007Offline Last Active Dec 22 2011 05:10 PM
Profile Feed
Mythic → Musashi_HUmar
If I'm not mistaken, today's your birthday! Happy birthday, dude! :D
Nov 07 2010 07:40 PM
Musashi_HUmar → Mythic
I was just in awe the first time I looked up the live performance of Kesenai Tsumi. My only thought was, "I have to hear more!" Now I have a ton of her stuff on my computer.
Apr 21 2008 09:26 PM
Mythic → Musashi_HUmar
I must say, Nana Kitade is very talented. (I just listened to the first closing for FMA)
Apr 21 2008 09:18 PM