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Member Since 24 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2013 01:23 AM

In Topic: Ever encounter NiGHTS?

13 September 2013 - 08:33 PM

I didn't directly meet NiGHTS this time, but I briefly saw this dream-site listing tons of more "out-there" games, and NiGHTS was among them--along with an upcoming "NiGHTS II" (not JoD), and a section on an art book. The rest of my dream (that I can remember) had to do with Kirby and Klonoa.

In Topic: Gonzo draws NiGHTS stuff sometimes

03 September 2013 - 02:52 AM

Hi! :) And thanks. ^^



EDIT: http://fav.me/d6lamef More Gen-to-Zeti conversions with Jade, Yellow, and Indigo. (Warning: Indigo's flipping the double bird)

In Topic: Gonzo draws NiGHTS stuff sometimes

02 September 2013 - 11:48 PM

Thanks. ^^



http://fav.me/d6k39tf A page of felt pen doodles I submitted recently that has some NiGHTS stuff on it (towards the bottom). As you can tell, it's been a very long while since I drew Reala, let alone with her hat on.


http://fav.me/d6ksw7l Astrima and Orange Love as Zeti (I figured out which colours to use and where). I hope it's okay to post this here as it's more Engelbaum/WtaHM than NiGHTS...


As stated in the artist's comments there, I may end up drawing more Gens as Zeti, though so far the only groups I can remember being in WtaHM are Indigo/Yell0w/Jade and Gold/Silver. Maybe Blue/Pink, but IIRC that was really only one pic.

In Topic: Adventure Time into dreams

29 August 2013 - 12:28 PM

Very nice. XD

In Topic: Internet friends Vs Local friends

24 August 2013 - 03:12 PM

I dunno if I value one over the other, but I do spend a lot of time talking to people online largely because I'm not very articulate in real life. XD; I do better in a conversation when I have time to decide on what to say.