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Chrono Cross

Chrono Cross

Member Since 04 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2008 06:36 PM

In Topic: Another NiGHTS

08 February 2008 - 05:20 PM

Yeahhhh, NiGHTS is in the DS version of M&S, we were told a couple of months ago.

I'll wait till the game is out to tell you something bloody hilarious regarding NiGHTS and the making of the game >_>;

I gotta get me a DS. I should nick my brothers.

Is he really? I asked about this at gamefaqs and no one had heard that, and I have the game and I haven't come across him yet. Anybody know anything about this?

In Topic: Another NiGHTS

11 January 2008 - 04:50 PM

The news pages says something about M&S DS? What's his role in that game? (I didn't know anything about that one...)