Well, not much here yet, but hopefully I'll be getting some more fanart done in the near future (once finals end, joy).
This is about a year old, drawn last fall while I was in a Score Attack-kick.
And a picture that's literally a year old-- I posted it December 4th of last year. I love Clawz' design, but I'll be danged if there are any good reference pictures of him out there. The concept sketch of Clawz is slightly different from the in-game render, but I have yet to come across a high quality version of his render. So, I kind of BSed his design.
Oh yeah...
Hahaha don't ask.
12/09/07: Got some JoD and NiD icons up for grabs over at my Livejournal.
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Member Since 30 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Nov 25 2008 06:14 AM