I've been coming to nid.com for two or three years now. Having really enjoyed the collection of all things NiD. Before I had the soundtrack of my own, I'd always come to listen. Or just browse all the artwork and official pictures compiled. Yet not being much of a forum person I never felt the need for another password and user name to remember. So after all this time the site activity has clearly increased with the official announcement of the supposed sequel. An it seems here is the single place to find all the information available on the up coming title down to its fine details. Staying constant with updates, etc. So after months of feeling starved on such details I've decided to take a dive in your collective knowledge gathered here in this forum. Having already found the exact information I was seeking. I am relieved and ultimately glad I've joined.
As for me personally.. All I feel is important enough for me to mention is that I've been a fan of the original title since it came out. I am sure I only join the many of you out there that still own a working Saturn with the game. So whenever you get the urge to venture back into Nightopia you can be there. To me the game always held this deeper meaning than what many took in. It was like a sorta awakening for me. A push to teach that the astral really does matter and play an important role in our physical society. As a result I naturally claim NiD as my all time favorite game. An have been raving about it since.
Well its nice to be here. I want to thank you all once more.
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Member Since 27 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Jan 24 2008 04:59 PM