I seen this commercial aired once last Saturday morning around 10:30ish while waiting for Dinosaur King to come back on.... I don't have cable and it was on the FOX network. It really drove me mad the rest of the morning hoping to catch another glimpse. It doesn't make sense that this commercial isn't aired enough. While Sega is advertising the heck out of that Golden Compass and Mario & Sonic titles........
Anyway, I was so excited when I seen it. It did show quite a bit of juicy new in game shots and CGI. The music was the usual Nights theme mix. Which had me swaying my head on cue. I really love the CGI which displayed Nights flying about in a playful manner. As the usual voice over describes the game and content. I hope to see it again soon. Yet in another day I suppose it doesn't matter.
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Member Since 27 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Jan 24 2008 04:59 PM