I recently bought a SEGA Saturn (Come back Sega consoles! ) off Ebay. My old Saturn stopped being able to read CDs and not much could be done to fix it apparently. So I bought a new one so I could play my old games that I played back in '97. I was just 9 years old. I remember when my father came in with both NiGHTS and Tomb Raider for me (still a BIG - perhaps biggest and most dedicated fan) in Jan '97. A most treasured memory.
I tried playing NiGHTS. It's been a long while since I've played last so I was hoping you guys could help me remember, since I'm sure I finished NiGHTS back in th 90's!
After going through both Claris' and Elliot's 3 dreams, I came to a standstill. I beat the bosses, yet I still can't move on to the next dream on either of their selections. Is there a score for points I must collect on their worlds in order to go on to the last boss?
Thanks. This is a fantastic forum.
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Darkest Maiden
Darkest Maiden
Member Since 26 Oct 2007Offline Last Active Mar 09 2008 11:04 PM